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How To: Play Soccer

By Steve Richer

Lifestyle CorrespondentEvery Wednesday

be the pride of your teamSome call it football, balompié, or gioco del calcio. For others it will be Fußball, fútbol, or simply le foot. Whatever you call it, soccer remains the single most popular sport in the world. It is revered and adored by billions worldwide while it is mostly misunderstood in North America. But things are beginning to change. Globalization and the ensuing universal melting pot are now making North Americans aware of this sport more than ever.

Baseball is seen by many as a snooze fest. Basketball is the diametrical opposite with its rapid-fire scoring. Soccer, however, has the right measure of speed and finesse. While it's true that most twenty-year-olds probably have more gray hair than the added score of the average soccer match, the game is nevertheless a blast to play. The size of players doesn't matter and you don't need a smorgasbord of equipment. The hardcore soccer fan might find the information somewhat unnecessary but newbies, this one's for you!

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It might be somewhat entertaining to watch a bunch of sweaty guys run around a large field and toss around a white ball (probably even more so for the female audience members), but it's much more engaging when you actually know the rules.

First of all, the game is played on a huge turf between 100 and 130 yards in length. International matches are played on fields of about 115 yards; the breadth is usually around 75 yards. The goal is eight yards wide and eight feet high. Seems easy to score, right? Think again.

One team is allowed ten players on the field plus one goaltender. Substitutes may be employed although not more than three per match. Well, that's for official games; amateurs can alter the number as long as both teams agree and no more than five substitutes are used. The goalie can also be replaced but when he's out, he stays out. Substitutions are made at dead ball -- when the play is stopped.

A match lasts two periods of forty-five minutes. A coin toss decides which team kicks off and what end of the field each team defends. Ends are exchanged after halftime. There are no time-outs. Also, the time does not stop for fouls. Bonus time is added to account for those pauses at the end of the half. Players never know how much time is left as the referee is the only keeper of time.

Soccer is officially a non-contact sport. Well, like basketball is a non-contact sport. It's forbidden to push, trip, kick, or strike an opponent. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to use his hands on the ball. For these offenses, penalty kicks may be awarded. For related infractions, such as a player who joins the game during a play, the yellow card can be shown and the game will be restarted with a free kick. Two yellow cards call for an automatic red one. When the red card is shown the player is sent off the field.

skills & techniques

Be in good shape. With such rough playing conditions (field size, no time-outs, limited substitutions), players must be in great physical shape. It's a game of endurance, unlike hockey, where the best players will average twenty minutes of actual playing time. You should do cardiovascular exercises as well as train your legs, which are your arsenal in this combat. Jogging, swimming and cycling are just what the doctor ordered.

Your style of play should decide your position. Players should be positioned as per their skills. A defender should remain cool under pressure, be good and accurate while going one-on-one, and have large feet -- they are a great advantage. A midfielder will require speed and endurance; likewise for a striker in addition to precision and having swift feet.

Dribbling, passing, and scoring... Next Page >>

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Rating: N/A
Pad says:

Soccer is NOT a non contact sport. Shoulder charges are allowed, for example.

Posted 2009-04-16 17:01:39 EST
Rating: N/A
shag says:

1) The average soccer player runs 4 miles in a game (not very impressive)
2) The Royal Statistical Society (NL) did an extensive study on scores etc and concluded that low scoring games are games of chance

Posted 2009-03-27 23:54:06 EST

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