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International Healing Foundation
Changing the World One Life at a Time!

Therapists and Ministry Leaders

After a gut-wrenching journey from gay to straight, psychotherapist Richard Cohen led the way for others to find freedom from unwanted SSA. He formalized his twenty-one years of clinical work into the Counselor Training Program, a comprehensive therapeutic protocol for assisting those who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction and their loved ones. 

This groundbreaking Counselor Training Program is the first of its kind in the world, detailing a comprehensive approach for: 1) helping men and women transition from a homosexual to a heterosexual orientation, and 2) helping parents, family members and friends learn how to help their SSA loved ones fulfill their heterosexual potential. T
hese protocols will bring remarkable healing and lasting transformation to your clients.  The following links will connect you with information about this landmark program.