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International Healing Foundation
Changing the World One Life at a Time!

About Us

Richard Cohen, M.A., created the International Healing Foundation (IHF) as an educational and counseling organization in 1990. IHF empowers men, women, and children to heal from past and present wounds, releasing them to live a powerful life and to fulfill their destiny.
We believe:

There is no compelling evidence that anyone is determined from birth to have same-sex attraction (SSA).

There is no conclusive scientific data that proves there is a simple biological or genetic cause for homosexuality. Scientific research indicates that although biological and genetic factors may play a part, homosexual desires stem from the complex interaction of psychological, environmental and temperamental influences.

For more detail please press here.

No one simply chooses to have SSA.

These desires are very often the result of unresolved childhood wounds and unmet love needs. Choice is clearly involved in the decision whether or not to act on the desires.

For more detail please press here.

People can be hopeful in changing from a homosexual to a heterosexual orientation.

Research demonstrates that change is possible. The path to healing is four-fold: 1) understand the causes of SSA, 2) gain support from others, 3) fulfill unmet love needs in healthy, nonsexual same-gender relationships, and 4) heal the wounds that created the SSA in the first place. After this, opposite-sex attractions emerge.  For more detail please press here



International Healing Foundation
P.O. Box 901, Bowie, MD 20718
Tel. (301) 805-6111
Fax (301) 805-5155