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Maggid of Mezerich ("The Preacher of Mezerich"):
Rabbi Dov Ber disiple of the Ba'al Shem Tov, and mentor of the Alter Rebbe.
Maimonides. (Rambam):
See Rambam
Malchut ("Kingdom"):
Malchut is the last of the ten sefirot, and seventh of the emotive attributes in Creation.
For further explanation see: The Divine Emanations--Malchut.
Mashiach ([or spelled Moshiach] "Anointed One," or "Messiah"):
Mashiach, the Anointed One, the Great Peacemaker, and the Ultimate Leader, is a human being, the prophesied descendant of King David--Mashiach ben Dovid--who thanks to his leadership ability and knowledge of Torah, will gather the exiled Jewish People and bring them all back to Israel, will reinstate the Torah-ordained monarchy (which he will head), rebuild the Holy Temple, inspire the whole world to believe in one God, and usher in an era of all human beings living together in peace and brotherhood.
This series of events (collectively called "the Redemption") will usher in an era of eternal, universal peace and true knowledge of God, called "the messianic era." There is also a prophesied messianic figure called Mashiach ben Yoseph, who will rectify certain aspects of reality in preparation for the advent of Mashiach ben Dovid.
Mazal ("sign," pl. mazalot):
1. a spiritual conduit of Divine beneficence (from the Hebrew root "to flow" [nozel]).
2. specifically, the thirteen tufts of the "beard" of Arich Anpin
3. a physical embodiment of such a spiritual conduit, such as a star, planet, constellation, etc.
4. specifically, the twelve constellations of the zodiac.
5. According to our sages, the Jewish People are not under the influence of the mazalot (Shabbat 156a). The Ba'al Shem Tov teaches that the Divine "nothingness" itself is the true mazal of the Jewish People.
Mazal Tov ("A good sign"):
Mazal Tov is an expression of congratulations for the good fortune bestowed upon one from heaven.
Melaveh Malkah ("escorting the queen"):
A meal or celebration held on Motzaei Shabbat in honor of the departing Shabbat.
Mem is the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
For further explanation see Alef-Beit Significances.
Also see: The Mystical Significance of the Hebrew Letters (including an image and audio pronunciation of each letter).
The Menorah is the seven-branched candelabrum that was lit daily in the sanctuary of the Tabernacle and, afterwards, in the Holy Temple. Also employed in reference to the eight-branched candelabrum used in the Jewish home to hold the Chanukah lights.
Mercy (rachamim):
"Mercy" is the spiritual state associated with the sefirah of tiferet.
For further explanation see: The Powers of the Soul--Rachamim.
Mesorah ("tradition:):
Mesoarh is the transmitted traditions which comprise the basis of Jewish law; also, specific traditions regarding the exact text of the Written Torah.
See Mashiach.
Metzitzah ("sucking"):
The third phase of the rite of circumcision (milah) in which the one performing the circumcision sucks the blood off the just-circumcised organ. See milah, periah.
Mezuzah ("Doorpost"):
Mezuzah, commonly refers to the ritually written parchment which we are commanded to affix to our doorposts, on which are written the first two paragraphs of the Shema.
Midah ("measure" or "attribute"):
1. an attribute of God.
2. specifically, one of the sefirot from chesed to malchut, in contrast to the higher sefirot of the intellect.
3. one of the thirteen attributes of mercy, which are part of the revelation of keter.

Midot: (plural of midah).

Midrash ("Seeking"; pl. Midrashim):
The Midrash is the second major body of the oral Torah (after the Talmud), consisting of halachic or homiletic material couched as linguistic analyses of the Biblical text. An individual text of midrashic material is also called a Midrash.
The Midrash is a corpus of many works written over the span of many centuries (roughly the second to the eighth CE), mostly in the Holy Land. The chief collection of homiletic midrashic material is the Rabbah ("great") series, covering the five books of Moses and the five scrolls. Other important collections are Midrash Tanchuma, Midrash Tehilim, Pirkei d?Rabbi Eliezer and Tana d?vei Eliahu. Several later collections contain material that has reached us in its original form. These include Midrash HaGadol and Yalkut Shimoni. There are many smaller, minor midrashim, as well; some of these are to be found in the collection Otzar HaMidrashim. Halachic Midrashim include the Mechilta, the Sifra and the Sifrei.
Might (Gevurah):
"Might" is the fifth of the ten sefirot, and second of the emotive attributes in Creation.
For further explanation see: The Divine Emanations--Gevurah.
Mikveh ("a gathering of water"):
A Mikveh is either a natural body of water or a specially-constructed pool used for ritual purification rites. See tumah and taharah.
A Mil is a measure of distance, equivalent to approximately 1.087 kilometers.
Milah ("circumcision"):
1. the rite of circumcision, performed on a Jewish boy on the eighth day after his birth.
2. specifically, the first phase of this rite in which the foreskin is cut. See metzizah, periah.
Minchah ("offering"):
The afternoon prayer service.
Minyan ("Quorum"):
A minyan is an assembly of ten men required for communal prayer.
Mishnah ("Repetition"):
The Mishnah is a six part review of Jewish law compiled in the 2nd century, which served as the focus of Talmudic interpretation; also, a single passage from that work. See Talmud.
Mishnah Torah ("Repetition of the Torah "):
The Mishnah Torah is the Rambam's systematization of the Oral Torah .
Mitzvah ("commandment"; pl. mitzvot):
1. One of the six hundred thirteen commandments given by God to the Jewish People, or seven commandments given by God to the nations of the world, at Mt. Sinai.
2. one of the seven commandments instituted by the sages.
3. idiomatically, any good deed.
(plural of mitzvah).
Mocha Stima'ah ("the hidden brain" [Aramaic]):
The chochmah of Arich Anpin. In psychological terms, the power to generate new insight.
For further explanation see: Partzufei Ha'Keter--Mocha Stima'ah.
Mochin d'Abba ("brains of Abba" [Aramaic]):
A state of consciousness, mentality, or cognitive life-force in which one experiences chochmah, or insight.
Mochin d'Ima ("brains of Imma" [Aramaic]):
A state of consciousness or mentality, or cognitive life-force in which one experiences binah, or understanding or rationality.
Modeh Ani ("I Acknowledge").
Modeh Ani is the name of a thanksgiving prayer recited upon awakening each morning.
Molad ("time of birth"):
The time when the moon begins its monthly cycle.
See Mashiach.
Motzaei Shabbat ("the outgoings of the Sabbath"):
The night after the termination of Shabbat; Saturday night.
M'malai kol almin ("filing all worlds"):
M'malai kol almin the immanent Divine energy that vitalizes all elements within Creation and is thus accessible to conscious thought.
A mum is a blemish, particularly in regard to priests and animals designated for ritual sacrifice.
Musaf ("additional"):
Musaf the additional prayer service recited on Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur and Yom Tov.
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Gal Einai Institute
a non-profit organization dedicated to disseminating and implementing the inner wisdom of Torah--Kabbalah and Chassidut
as taken from the teachings of
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh
Kabbalah and Chassidut - The Inner Wisdom of Torah
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