Sesame Chicken

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Submitted by Jpfan01

This recipe is way over due. I promised it to Tuna Fyre ages ago. So this recipe is dedicated to him. This is my Sesame Chicken Recipe. I’ve been making it for over a year now and I’m pretty happy with how it is, so consider this recipe fairly close to the final version. There are a few different ways people like it and I explained how to change one or two little things to match the person's preference.



  • 5 Tablespoons Flour
  • 1 Egg
  • 2-3 Tablespoons Milk
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 1/3 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
  • 1 Chicken Breast
  • 3 Tablespoons Soy
  • 1/4 Cup Water
  • Sesame Oil
  • 2 Tablespoons Vinegar
  • 1/3 Cup White Sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon Chili Paste
  • 1/2 Cup Chicken Broth
  • Cornstarch


  • First things first, thaw out the chicken. Do this first, since you will be freezing this after you cover it in delicious batter and that can take some time. Once it's thawed you'll want to slice it into fairly small cubes, 1x1 inch or a little less. When you consider it will have a breading that can make some big pieces.


The Breading

  • First thing we need is an egg.


  • Next add two tablespoons of cornstarch. Then use an egg beater and slowly mix it together.


  • You'll want to add a half teaspoon of Baking Soda and another half teaspoon of Baking Powder (it's especially delicious if it's the magic kind!)

image:Bakingsodaa.jpg image:Bakingmagic.jpg

  • Then add 5 tablespoons of flour. You may have to mess with this up or down one tablespoon. The goal is to make a thick batter. You'll be able to tell by looking at the mixture if its thick enough. 5 worked perfect for me, so it probably will for you.


  • Add in the 1/3 teaspoon of lemon juice and the 1/2 tablespoon of sesame oil. Now add the 2-3 tablespoons of milk. Try 2 first, mix it see if it's too thick still. If it is, add one more tablespoon. Once again mix it real good then add the chicken pieces into it. Now throw it into the freezer for a good 20-30 minutes. By the time you finish making the sauce and then get the rice going it will be thick enough.



Start the rice cooking right now. If you get the timing down correctly for this recipe it will finish at the same time the sauce and chicken is ready.


The Sauce

  • Start by adding 3 Tablespoons of soy. Ignore the garlic in the picture, I stole this pic from one of my other recipes because I'm lazy...


  • To give the sauce some volume we need to add the chicken broth, add ½ cup of chicken broth.


  • You will need to also add ¼ cup of water.


  • Next add 2 tablespoons of Vinegar


  • Next add 1 tablespoon of chili paste


  • Add 1 tablespoon of Sesame Oil.


  • Then we need something to thicken up the sauce, otherwise it will be more like Sesame Chicken Soup. Add 2 tablespoons of Cornstarch.


  • We probably should add the sweet part of the Sesame Chicken to the Sesame Chicken huh? Add 1/3 cup of Sugar.


  • Now it's time to multi-task. Mix up the sauce real good and throw it into a hot wok to simmer.


  • Remember that chicken and batter I told you to put in the freezer? Hopefully you did, take it out and stir it up. It shouldn't be a brick but it should be pretty damn thick.


  • Toss the chicken batter pieces into the deep fryer. If you don't have a deep fryer you could always do this in the wok before making the sauce by filling the bottom part of it with a good amount of oil. It's a little harder, but it definitely works. I used to do it before I bought my deep fryer.


  • You probably won't be able to cook all the pieces in one go and one chicken breast plus the batter will make more than enough food for two people. Just keep collecting them in a bowl.


  • You should probably check on the sauce you had simmering. It should be boiling now and thickening. Stir it a couple times and let it continue to simmer.


  • Now it's time to finish this up so you can eat already. Toss the breaded chicken pieces into the sauce and stir till all the pieces are coated evenly.


  • By this time the rice you started should also be finishing up. Place it on a plate and flatten it out so it makes a good bedding.


  • Lastly place the Sesame Chicken over the bed of rice and cover with Sesame Seeds. I love to pour tons on mine but it is totally a preference thing. For this picture I was very conservative with them.


  • Some people tend to like a more salty Sesame chicken and some people prefer a really sweet one. You don't ever need to change the sugar amounts. To make it more salty, simply add 5 tablespoons of soy instead of 3. If you want it super sweet and comes out golden colored simply use 1 tablespoon of vinegar instead of 2 or use only 2 tablespoons of soy instead of 3. Play with those things in which ever direction you like and you'll see very quickly how they affect the taste.
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