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Counter Strike

11th April 2008, 10:30

Videointerview: spx in the spotlight

myMYM.Sofie had the chance to meet spx in Copenhagen at Nethouse 2000 for a detailed and special video interview to clarify the latest happenings concerning SoA - don't miss this!read more (24)
Counter Strike

26th March 2008, 15:20

Play FFA with MYM.

As a warmup for the Xfire Trophy tournament, the Polish players will have a 2 hour FFA-session with their fans tonight. Read on to see how you can play with them!read more (46)
Counter Strike

15th March 2008, 18:00

AurorA in the spotlight - Videointerview Part 2

It has been a while since we read an interview with AurorA from Les Seules. Now Sofie from picked her up for a unique very in detail 30 minutes talk!read more (35)
Counter Strike

10th March 2008, 12:15

Shirtshop: 50 CS-shirts available!

Do you want to wear the same shirt as NEo, LUq or TaZ do when they are playing? Then you have to be quick, the last batch containing 50 pieces has arrived and sales start more (25)
Counter Strike

09th March 2008, 11:15

SEC: fnatic wins the Grand Final - pics/vids*

At Samsung European Championship there is only one CounterStrike match left to play. The match between fnatic and MYM will give the Swedes a chance to win back to back titles for their home country, while MYM will get a chance to revenge last years loss in the Final. We have taken a look at one of the most interesting matchups at more (65)
Counter Strike

08th March 2008, 18:10

SEC: MYM in Grand Final!

Will MYM go to the Grand Final, or is it emuLate that will have the chance to face fnatic tomorrow?read more (29)
Counter Strike

08th March 2008, 13:10

MYM]TaZ in video-interview and more

Only minutes after losing the Winnerbracket Final against fnatic, TaZ was caught by our onsite crew who confronted him with the more (5)
Counter Strike

08th March 2008, 11:55

SEC: MYM vs. fnatic - 9-16

After being eliminated from Extreme Masters, fnatic will look to take revenge in SEC. But will they defeat MYM?read more (10)
Counter Strike

07th March 2008, 14:20

SEC: MYM vs. emuLate *WON*

fnatic and Alternate are going to meet each other in the first WB Semi-final, while MYM and emuLate will face off in the second more (6)
Counter Strike

07th March 2008, 13:30 demolished by Vatos Locos

The Greek representive in the CounterStrike tournament at CeBIT pulled a giant upset in the first round. Vatos Locos won against mTw.dkread more (3)
Show the next 10 news
In one of their first official appearances for MYM, our new Call of Duty squad will attend the Xfire trophy tomorrow....
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MYM.Dreiven about the TSLThe Round of 16 ended with the "upset of the year": MYM.Dreiven knocking out the number one favorite of the whole tourney, ...
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