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The CIA's New Campus Spies: Meet "PRISP", it may be at work on a campus near you. Program doles out cash to train tomorrow's spooks ; they say it's like ROTC, only it's all secret; a hundred spooklets on campus today; thousands down the road; pay back your loan by translating for torturers in tomorrow's Abu Ghraibs; meet PRISP's Frankenstein, Prof Felix Moos; anthropologists and the CIA, a deadly embrace by David Price; ALSO Alexander Cockburn on Disaster Relief as Scam; air-conditioned tents for the NGOs and money to burn; how tourist "development" deepened tsunami's impact; why governments love "relief". AND Humans and Woodchippers: When small isn't beautiful. Remember these stories are available exclusively in the print edition of CounterPunch. CounterPunch Online is read by millions of viewers each month! But remember, we are funded solely by the subscribers to the print edition of CounterPunch. Please support this website by buying a subscription to our newsletter, which contains fresh material you won't find anywhere else, or by making a donation for the online edition. Remember contributions are tax-deductible. Click here to make a donation. If you find our site useful please: Subscribe Now!

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Today's Stories

January 26, 2005

Toni Solo
The US and Latin America: a Not-So-Magical Reality

Eric Hobsbawm
Delusions About Democracy

Scott Fleming
In Good Conscience: an Interview with Concientious Objector Aidan Delgado

Alexander Cockburn
The CIA's New Campus Spies


January 25, 2005

Brian Cloughley
Iraq as Disneyland

Mike Roselle
Satan is My Co-Pilot

Josh Frank / Merlin Chowkwanyun
The War on Civil Liberties

John Chuckman
Freedom on Steroids

Paul Craig Roberts
A Party Without Virtue

Dr. Teresa Whitehurst
The Intolerance of Christian Conservatives

James Petras
The US / Colombia Plot Against Venezuela

Website of the Day
Lowbaggers for the Environment


January 24, 2005

Fred Gardner
Last Monologue in Burbank

Lori Berenson
On the Politicization of My Case

Uri Avnery
King George

January 22 / 23, 2005

Jennifer Van Bergen / Ray Del Papa
Nuclear Incident in Montana

Alexander Cockburn
Prince Harry's Travails

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Company That Runs the Empire: Lockheed and Loaded

Stan Goff
The Spectacle

Saul Landau
Nothing Succeeds Like Failure

Gary Leupp
Official Madness and the Coming War on Iran

Fred Gardner
Is GW Getting the Runaround?

Phil Gasper
Clemency Denied: the Politics of Death in California

Stanley Heller
A Kill-Happy Government: Connecticut Chooses Death

Greg Moses
The Heart of Texas: an Inauguration Day Betrayal on Civil Rights

Justin Taylor
The Folk-Histories of John Ross

Daniel Burton-Rose
One China; Many Problems

Elaine Cassel
Try a Little Tyranny: Questions While Watching the Inaugural

Mike Whitney
Failing Upwards: the Rise of Michael Chertoff

Mark L. Berenson
My Daughter Has Been Wrongly Imprisoned

Christopher Brauchli
It Doesn't Compute: a $170 Million Mistake

Gilad Atzmon
Zionism and Other Marginal Thoughts

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Day of the Rats

Mark Donham
The Secret Messages of Rahm Emmanuel

Ben Tripp
Adventures in Online Dating

Walter Brasch
Hollywood's Patriots: Soulless Kooks, Mr. Bush?

Poets' Basement
Wuest, Landau, Ford, Albert & Drum



January 21, 2005

Dave Lindorff
A Great American Journalist:
John L. Hess (1917-2005)

Sharon Smith
The Anti-War Movement and the Iraqi Resistance

Don Santina
Baseball, Racism and Steroid Hysteria

Ron Jacobs
Locked Out and Pissed Off: Protesting the Bush Inauguration

Kurt Nimmo
The Problem with Mike Ruppert

Don Monkerud
Once They Were Cults: Bush's Faith-Based Social Services

Alan Farago
Swimming Home from the Galapagos

Derek Seidman
An Interview with Army Medic and Anti-War Activist Patrick Resta

Read How the Press & the CIA
Killed Gary Webb's Career



January 20, 2005

Paul Craig Roberts
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William Cook
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Joshua Frank
The Democrats and Iran: Look Who's Backing Bush's Next

Eric Ruder
Why Andres Raya Snapped: Another Casualty of Bush's War

Mike Whitney
Coronation in a Garrison State

Robert Jensen
A Citizens Oath of Office

Peter Rost
Bush Report on Drug Imports: Good Data, Bad Conclusions

David Underhill
Is It Torture Yet?: the Eclectic Fool Aid Torture Test

James Reiss
Adieu, Colin Powell: Pea Soup in Foggy Bottom

CounterPunch Staff
Voices from Abu Ghraib: the Injured Party




January 19, 2005

Marta Russell
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Mike Ferner
Marines Stretching Movement: Protesting Urban Warfare in Toledo

Nancy Oden
The Nuremberg Principles, Iraq and Torture

Tony Paterson
A Catalogue of British Abuses in Iraq

Dave Lindorff
Bush's Divide-and-Conquer Plan to Destroy Social Security

Doug Giebel
BS and CBS: When 60 Minutes Helped Promote WMD Fantasies

Alexander Cockburn
Will Bush Quit Iraq?




January 18, 2005

Paul Craig Roberts
How Americans Were Seduced by War: Empire and Militant Christianity

Jennifer Van Bergen
Federal Judge: Abu Ghraib Abuses Result of Decision to Ignore Geneva Conventions

Douglas Lummis
It's a No Brainer; Send Graner: a Rap for Our Time

Ron Jacobs
Syria Back in the Crosshairs?

Seth DeLong
Enter the Dragon: Will Washington Tolerate a Venezuelan-Chinese Oil Pact?

Lance Selfa
Stolen Election?: Most Democrats Didn't Even Bother to Inquire

Paul D. Johnson
Mystery Meat: a Right-to-Know About Food Origins

Elisa Salasin
An Open Letter to Jenna Bush, Future Teacher



January 17, 2005

Heather Gray
Misconceptions About King's Methods for Social Change

Robert Fisk
Hotel Room Journalism: the US Press in Iraq

Dave Lindorff
What the NYT Death Chart Omitted: Civilians Slaughtered by US Military

Jason Leopold
Sam Bodman's Smokestacks: Bush's Choice for Energy Czar is One of Texas's Worst Polluters

Gary Leupp
A Message from the Iraqi Resistance

Douglas Valentine
An Act of State? the Execution of Martin Luther King

Harvey Arden
Welcome to Leavenworth: My First Encounter with Leonard Peltier

Greg Moses
King and the Christian Left: Where Lip Service is Not an Option


January 15 / 16, 2005

James Petras
The Kidnapping of a Revolutionary

Robert Fisk
Flying Carpet Airlines: My Return to Baghdad

Ron Jacobs
Unfit for Military Service

Brian Cloughley
Smack Daddies of the Hindu Kush: Afghanistan's Drug Bonanza

Fred Gardner
The Allowable-Quantity Expert

Dr. Susan Block
The Counter-Inaugural Ball: Eros Day, 2005

John Ross
Zapatista Literary Llife

Suzan Mazur
Unspooking Frank Carlucci

M. Shahid Alam
America's New Civilizing Mission

Frederick B. Hudson
Jack Johnson's Real Opponent: "That I Was a Man"

Mike Whitney
Bush's Grand Plan: Incite Civil War in Iraq

Tom Crumpacker
A Constitutional Right to Travel to Cuba

Bob Burton
The Other Armstrong Williams Scandal

John Callender
La Conchita and the Indomitable 82-Year Old

Lila Rajiva
Christian Zionism

Saul Landau
An Imperial Portrait: a Visit to Hearst's Castle

Doug Soderstrom
A Touch of Evil: the Morality of Neoconservatism

Poets' Basement
Davies, Louise, Landau, Albert, Collins and Laymon



January 14, 2005

Robert Fisk
"The Tent of Occupation"

Lee Sustar
Bush's Social Security Con Job

José M. Tirado
The Christians I Know

Dave Zirin
The Legacy of Jack Johnson

Sheldon Rampton
Calling John Rendon: a True Tale of "Military Intelligence"

Tracy McLellan
Under the Influence

Yves Engler
The Dictatorship of Debt: the World Bank and Haiti

Tom Barry
Robert Zoellick: a Bush Family Man

Website of the Day
Ryan for the Nobel Prize?



January 13, 2005

Mark Chmiel / Andrew Wimmer
Hearts and Minds, Revisited

Joe DeRaymond
The Salvador Option: Terror, Elections and Democracy

Greg Moses
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Dave Lindorff
The Great WMD Fraud: Time for an Accounting

Jorge Mariscal
Dr. Galarza v. Alberto Gonzales: Which Way for Latinos?

Christopher Brauchli
Gonzales and the Death Penalty: the Executioner Never Sleeps

Gary Leupp
"Fighting for the Work of the Lord": Christian Fascism in America



January 12, 2005

Robert Fisk
Fear Stalks Baghdad

Josh Frank
The Farce of the DNC Contest

Jack Random
Casualties of War: the Untold Stories

John Roosa
Aceh's Dual Disasters: the Tsunami and Military Rule

Carol Norris
In the Wake of the Tsunami

Mike Whitney
Pink Slips at CBS

Alan Farago
Can the Everglades be Saved?

Paul Craig Roberts
What's Our Biggest Problem in Iraq...the Insurgency or Bush?



January 11, 2005

Tom Barry
The US isn't "Stingy"; It's Strategic: Aid as a Weapon of Foreign Policy

James Hodge and Linda Cooper
Voice of the Voiceless: Father Roy Bourgeois and the School of the the Americas

Linda S. Heard
Farah Radio Break Down: Joseph Farah's Messages of Hate and Homophobia

Derrick O'Keefe
Electoral Gigolo?: Richard Gere and the Occupied Vote

Gila Svirsky
A Tale of Two Elections

Harry Browne
Irish "Peace Process", RIP


January 10, 2005

Ramzy Baroud
Faith-Based Disasters: Tsunami Aid and War Costs

Talli Nauman
Killing Journalists: Mexico's War on a Free Press

Uri Avnery
Sharon's Monologue

Dave Lindorff
Tucker Carlson's Idiot Wind

Dave Zirin
Randy Moss's Moondance

Dave Silver
Left Illusions About the Democratic Party

Charles Demers
Plan Salvador for Iraq: Death Squads Come in Waves

William A. Cook
Causes and Consequences: Bush, Osama and Israel



January 8 / 9, 2005

Alexander Cockburn
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John H. Summers
Chomsky and Academic History

Greg Moses
Getting Real About the Draft

Walter A. Davis
Bible Says: the Psychology of Christian Fundamentalism

Victor Kattan
The EU and Middle East Peace

John Bolender
The Plight of Iraq's Mandeans

Robert Fisk
The Politics of Lebanon

Fred Gardner
Situation NORML

Joe Bageant
The Politics of the Comfort Zone

Mickey Z.
I Want My DDT: Little Nicky Kristof Bugs Out

Ben Tripp
CounterClockwise Evolution

Ron Jacobs
Elvis and His Truck: Out on Highway 61

Saul Landau
Sex and the Country

Rep. Cynthia McKinney
Time to End the Blackout

Ellen Cantarow
NPR's Distortions on Palestine

Richard Oxman
Bageantry Continued

Poets' Basement
Gaffney, Landau, Albert, Collins

January 7, 2005

Omar Barghouti
Slave Sovereignty: Elections Under Occupation

Kent Paterson
The Framing of Felipe Arreaga: Another Mexican Environmentalist Arrested

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Old Vijay Merchant and the Tsunami

David Krieger
Cancel the Inauguration Parties

Gideon Levy
New Year, Old Story

Dave Lindorff
Ohio Protest: First Shot Fired by Congressional Progressives

Christopher Brauchli
Privatizing the IRS

Roger Burbach / Paul Cantor
Bush, the Pentagon and the Tsunami



January 6, 2005

Brian J. Foley
Gonzales: Supporting Torture is not His Greatest Sin

Greg Moses
Boot Up America!: Gen. Helmly's Memo Leaks New Bush Deal

Petras / Chomsky
An Open Letter to Hugo Chavez

Alan Maass
The Decline of the Dollar

Dave Lindorff
Colin Powell's Selective Sense of Horror

Jenna Orkin
The EPA and a Dirty Bomb: 9/11's Disastrous Precedent

P. Sainath
The Tsunami and India's Coastal Poor



January 5, 2005

Alan Farago
2004: An Environmental Retrospective

Winslow T. Wheeler
Oversight Detected?: Sen. McCain and the Boeing Tanker Scam

Jean-Guy Allard
Gary Webb: a Cuban Perspective

Fred Gardner
Strutting, Smirking, As If The Mad Plan Was Working

David Swanson
Albert Parsons on the Gallows

Richard Oxman
The Joe Bageant Interview

Bruce Jackson
Death on the Living Room Floor




January 4, 2005

Michael Ortiz Hill
Mainlining Apocalypse

Elaine Cassel
They Say They Can Lock You Up for Life Without a Trial

Yoram Gat
The Year in Torture

Martin Khor
Tragic Tales and Urgent Tasks from the Tsunami Disaster

Gary Leupp
Death and Life in the Andaman Islands


January 3, 2005

Ron Jacobs
The War Hits Home

Dave Lindorff
Is There a Single Senator Who Will Stand Up for Black Voters?

Mike Whitney
The Guantanamo Gulag

Joshua Frank
Greens and Republicans: Strange Bedfellows

Maria Tomchick
Playing Politics with Disaster Aid

Rhoda and Mark Berenson
Our Daughter Lori: Another Year of Grave Injustice

David Swanson
The Media and the Ohio Recount

Kathleen Christison
Patronizing the Palestinians



January 1 / 2, 2005

Gary Leupp
Earthquakes and End Times, Past and Present

Rev. William E. Alberts
On "Moral Values": Code Words for Emerging Authoritarian Tendencies

M. Shahid Alam
Testing Free Speech in America

Stan Goff
A Period for Pedagogy

Brian Cloughley
Bush and the Tsunami: the Petty and the Petulant

Sylvia Tiwon / Ben Terrall
The Aftermath in Aceh

Ben Tripp
Requiem for 2004

Greg Moses
A Visible Future?

Steven Sherman
The 2004 Said Awards: Books Against Empire

Sean Donahue
The Erotics of Nonviolence

James T. Phillips
The Beast's Belly

David Krieger
When Will We Ever Learn

Poets' Basement
Soderstrom, Hamod, Louise and Albert





December 23, 2004

Chad Nagle
Report from Kiev: Yushchenko's Not Quite Ready for Sainthood

David Smith-Ferri
The Real UN Disgrace in Iraq

Bill Quigley
Death Watch for Human Rights in Haiti

Mickey Z.
Crumbs from Our Table

Christopher Brauchli
Merck's Merry X-mas

Greg Moses
When No Law Means No Law

Alan Singer
An Encounter with Sen. Schumer: a Very Dangerous Democrat

David Price
Social Security Pump and Dump

Website of the Day
Gabbo Gets Laid


December 22, 2004

James Petras
An Open Letter to Saramago: Nobel Laureate Suffers from a Bizarre Historical Amnesia

Omar Barghouti
The Case for Boycotting Israel

Patrick Cockburn / Jeremy Redmond
They Were Waiting on Chicken Tenders When the Rounds Hit

Harry Browne
Northern Ireland: No Postcards from the Edge

Richard Oxman
On the Seventh Column

Kathleen Christison
Imagining Palestine

Website of the Day
FBI Torture Memos



December 21, 2004

Greg Moses
The New Zeus on the Block: Unplugging Al-Manar TV

Dave Lindorff
Losing It in America: Bunker of the Skittish

Chad Nagle
The View from Donetsk

Dragon Pierces Truth*
Concrete Colossus vs. the River Dragon: Dislocation and Three Gorges Dam

Patrick Cockburn
"Things Always Get Worse"

Seth DeLong
Aiding Oppression in Haiti

Ahmad Faruqui
Pakistan and the 9/11 Commission's Report

Paul Craig Roberts
America Locked Up: a System of Injustice



















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January 26, 2005

Freedom and Occupation

Condoleezza Rice Confused About the Middle East


Writing in Dar Al Hayat at the end of the year, Ms Condoleezza Rice, the newly designated Secretary of State, made the following points:

" when freedom is on the march, America is more secure ­ when freedom is in retreat, America is more vulnerable. That is why the president has broken with more than 60 years of excusing and accommodating the lack of freedom in the Middle East, As long as the Middle East remains a region of tyranny and despair and anger, it will produce men and movements that threaten the safety of Americans and our friends."

"When Iraqis to the polls next year to elect a government and put behind them their brutal history, democracy's power will be reaffirmed again. That opportunity exists today because America and a Coalition acted to remove one of the most brutal and dangerous regimes in the Middle East."

Both Ms Rice and Mr Bush like the word, "freedom". In Bush's inauguration on January 20, which Ms Rice's article anticipates, Bush used the word 40 times. On the same day of Mr Bush's inauguration speech, the Israeli daily ran a story to the effect that Israel would proceed to confiscate Palestinian owned land in East Jerusalem. The Absentee Property Law of 1950, which Israel enacted in order to write into statute its desire to transfer to itself land taken from the Palestinians during the Palestinian extirpation in 1948, now plans to confiscate property owned by thousands of Palestinians in East Jerusalem and worth hundreds of millions of dollars. According to the law, those whose lands are confiscated have neither the right to appeal nor a right to compensation. Freedom?

Over the past year, 869 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military while Israelis, both military and civilian deaths have totaled 118, a better than 7 to 1 ratio. More than 12,000 Palestinian homes have been either demolished or damaged in the West Bank since 2000. Between September 2000 and September 2004, more than 24,000 Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip have been made homeless by Israeli house demolitions. In the first months of 2004, the Israeli Defense Forces demolished on average 120 residential buildings each month ­ or four per day. In Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, home demolition increased from 15 homes per month in 2002, to 77 homes per month in the first nine months of 2004. Some 13,230 dunums (3307 acres) of land have been cleared or damaged due to the barrier construction in the West Bank. Infant mortality, in the Occupied Territories has increased each year since 2000. Is this freedom, Ms Rice?

The Israeli bulldozers building the Apartheid separation wall, and expanding the existing settlements are running seven days a week from dawn to dusk creating facts on the ground, no matter who is in power, whether Arafat or Mahmoud Abbas. Facts on the ground by design become facts removed from the possibility of negotiation. It becomes land and resources irretrievably lost to the indigenous population. Is this freedom, for Palestinians, or just for Israeli settlers?

On the day of Mr Bush's speech, a man returned to view his home in Falluja only to find it as well as the whole city destroyed. When he appealed to two US soldiers nearby to tell him from where he could receive compensation, they only laughed at him. He grabbed one of their guns and shot both before himself being killed by other US soldiers. The entire city of Falluja, a city of three hundred thousand was completely destroyed by the American aerial and artillery bombardment evidently without significantly suppressing the insurgency. Is this freedom, Ms Rice, and would you be less likely to answer in the affirmative if the city was Palo Alto, or Austin?

The best scientific and statistical analysis of the increased rate of death in Iraq since the American invasion comes from a joint study of Columbia and Johns Hopkins University epidemiologists and was published in the English medical journal, Lancet. 100,000 additional deaths resulted from the war, according to that study, mostly from the American aerial bombardment. There is, in fact reason to believe that this figure is conservative as it did not include samples from Anbar province, which includes Falluja and Ramadi, sites of the most intense resistance. Is freedom on the march, or is it just death on the march.

Dr Rice claims that democracy is the panacea that will transform the Middle East and end the causes of anti-American sentiment and terrorism. Yet Israel is a democracy, albeit, with a privileged and an underclass racial disparity built into law. Yet that did not prevent Israel's launching an invasion of Lebanon in 1982 which took the lives of 20,000 Lebanese and Palestinians, nor did it prevent the massacre of approximately 2000 Palestinian refugees at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps of southern Beirut orchestrated by Ariel Sharon. Being a democracy did not prevent Israel from acquiring WMDs including nuclear fission devices as well as the thermonuclear bomb as well as the enhanced radiation warhead, which the United States did not even build nor deploy. Their chemical and biotoxin programs are well advanced. This disparity between the tolerance for Israel's defiance of international law and international treaties and the lack of tolerance of efforts on the part of Arab states to counter the threat posed by Israel has not gone unnoticed by the Arab populations. From the Arab perspective, the US is simply trying to eliminated hegemonic competition to Israel while allowing Israel to continue to confiscate Palestinian land as they intentionally inflict hardship and suffering on the Palestinians with the intention of driving them out of Palestine or alternately driving them into enclaves with most of the West Bank, and most of the West Bank's resources in the possession of Israel.

The view that Saddam Hussein was the incarnation of evil and thus needed to be eliminated even though he lacked WMDs is an exaggeration. That is Israel' perspective, which many Americans have internalized. The Saddam Hussein government during the 1980's had established universal free co-educational education as well as a national health system which provided free health service which reached 93% of the population. This national health service was regionally known as the Jewell of the Middle East. This period of expansion, even during wartime, created a burgeoning middle class and led to the creation of the well educated and highly skilled work force which was in existence on the eve of the American invasion. It was the American led UN sanction regime, conducted mostly under President Clinton, which ultimately destroyed the infrastructure of the society and led to a substantial increase in mortality, particularly childhood mortality which, more than anything Saddam did, contributed to diminished freedom for the Iraqis.

Ms Rice who was in the forefront of those leading the public campaign for military intervention in Iraq states that we all expected to find WMDs and that intelligence agencies around the world expected to find WMDs. Those intelligence agencies around consisted uniquely of the US, the UK, and Israel. And what else would one expect from Israeli intelligence. Yet Ms Rice had ignored the UN Weapons Inspection regime which, under the direction of Hans Blix, and consisting of experts in nuclear engineering, in chemistry , and biotoxins and had surveyed more than 900 sites of suspected weapons facilities or weapons production facilities and had set up remote monitoring devices capable of detection of both radioactivity and toxic chemicals. Nor did Mr Rice consider the testimony of IAEA head Mohammed El Baridai who testified before the UN Security Council that his agency had concluded that the imported aluminum tubes were most probably not intended for Uranium enrichment by gas centrifuge, which was in direct contradiction of Ms Rice's later statements. Ms Rice's phrase of a "smoking gun becoming a mushroom cloud over American cities" would seem to come straight form Madison Avenue.

In an interview with journalist Diane Sawyer, when asked "what newspapers do you read?", President Bush responded that he did not read any newspapers but rather relied on Condoleezza Rice and his aid Andrew Card to brief him on the recent events. Mr Bush added that such briefing had the advantage that they, unlike newspaper accounts, were free of editorializing. Yet, Mr Bush has revealed himself to be surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, uninformed on many occasions. One such occasions occurred on a visit to the Bush ranch, at Crawford, Texas, by Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia just after the Prince had floated the Saudi Initiative for a Middle East Peace in which the Prince had proposed an Israel return to the 1967 borders between Israel and the West Bank in return for peace treaties with the surrounding Arab states and their recognition of Israel's right to exists. The Prince found that Bush was barely aware of the plan and had not been briefed on it. The Prince, who had invested much of his personal prestige on the plan, said that he was personally insulted.

Another remarkable such incident of either ignorance or dementia occurred when President Bush stated at a press conference in July, 2003, four months after the American invasion, "We gave his a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in". In fact, the UN weapons inspectors were allowed into Iraq from December 2002 until March of 3003 when they were withdrawn because in the imminent American invasion, and, as mentioned above, they had surveyed more than 900 sites.

Due to the Reagan experience, we became somewhat acclimated to such bazaar utterances, ascribing them to some stage of dementia, however, in this case, ignorance is a more plausible explanation as Bush does not appear to be demented. Because Bush does not independently follow the news, it is mind boggling that the President may have launched an invasion without knowing that UN Weapon inspectors had been in Iraq for four months, had surveyed 900 sites and had never found either the WMDs nor the capacity for producing them, and that Saddam Hussein had complied with UN Resolution 1441 determining that the weapons inspection team be allowed into Iraq and given unfettered access. Did Ms Rice fail to mention that fact in the presidential briefings. For the neo-cons who were determined to go to war, there was little point in telling him.

One searches the record in vain of statements for statements by Ms Rice revealing anything reflecting any significant understanding of either the history or the politics or culture of the Middle East. Ms Rice once stated in an Israeli television interview, "I first visited Israel in 2000. I already then felt that I am returning home despite the fact that this was a place I never visited. I have a deep affinity with Israel. I have always admired the history of the state of Israel." It is doubtful that anyone with a competent understanding of the recent historical works on the founding of Israel, including those of Benny Morris, Avi Shlaim, Ilan Pappe or others and who understands the origin of the Palestinian Diaspora, and the massacres and threats of massacres that drove it, could admire Israel's history. It is more likely that the history she admires is a mythical history engendered by decades of Israeli propaganda aimed at the purification of Zionism and the demonization of the indigenous Palestinian population who, in fact, were ethnically cleansed.

Ms Rice supported the American decision to sever all ties with Yasser Arafat on the grounds that he constantly supported the suicide bombings and refused to condemn terrorism. It takes an incredible amount of ignorance to sustain that position and to ignore Arafat's many impassioned condemnations of suicide bombings, some presented on Palestinian national television and one very eloquent Op Ed in the New York Times. Prejudice is not good enough, if Ms Rice has evidence supporting her position, she needs to present it. In fact, Ms Rice would be hard pressed to show that Arafat had ever supported attacks on civilians in his entire career.

George Bush had called Ariel Sharon, "a man of peace". It is difficult to reconcile this appellation with Sharon's history which includes orchestrating the massacres at Sabra and Shatila, as well as others. The most likely explanation is ignorance on the part of Bush and his National Security Advisor. To refer to Ariel Sharon as "a man of peace" is a substantial insult to the Arab people implying that Arab blood is cheap and that mass murders of Arabs are quickly forgotten for being inconsequential. The world needs not to forget those massacres and others of Sharon.

Ms Rice has never displayed any sign that she understands the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as being anything other than one of Palestinian terrorism against Israel. That the occupation was 25 years old before the first suicide bombing occurred is elementary knowledge which Ms Rice has never acknowledged. Any competent understanding of Israel, its formation, and the drivers of Zionism -- Ben Gurion, Weiss, Jabotinsky, Begin and Shamir, whose ideas now shape the Lukud, along with Sharon's, should know that expansionism is intrinsic to the state of Israel and that Zionism, and that from the earliest settlements in 1882, the Zionists had exactly two goals ­ the cleansing of the indigenous Arab population and the establishment of a racially, or ethnically, pure Jewish state with as few Arabs as possible. In fact, the War of 1948 and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine never ended, it only slowed and its methods became political/military - open war by other means.

Ms Rice celebrates the healing virtues of democracy, but refused to deal with Yasser Arafat, the democratically elected President of the Palestinian authority. Could Ms Rice be ignorant that Arafat won an election in 1996 carrying 88% of the popular vote in an election monitored by international monitors and by the Carter Center? To answer this question, we may choose between hypocrisy and ignorance.

Despite Dr Rice's reputation for academic competence, it appears that, as either National Security Advisor or as Secretary of State, we have a case of the blind leading the blind, or more forthrightly, the ignorant leading the ignorant.

William James Martin teaches in the Mathematics Department at the University of Florida. He can be reached at: wmartin@math.ufl.edu

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