Intelliseek's BlogPulse
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Find out more about BlogPulse in our Frequently Asked Questions.

BlogPulse FAQ Categories:
General  |  Search  |  Indexing  |  Analysis  |  Trends  |  Showcase  |  Highlights  |  Contact/Feedback/Other

General What is BlogPulse?
What can BlogPulse do for me?

What is BlogPulse?
BlogPulse is an "automated trend discovery system for blogs. Blogs, a term that is short for weblogs, represent the fastest-growing medium of personal publishing and the newest method of individual expression and opinion on the Internet. BlogPulse applies machine-learning and natural-language processing techniques to discover trends in the highly dynamic world of blogs. BlogPulse is brought to you by Intelliseek.

What can BlogPulse do for me? is a portal into the world of blogs. features the following:

  • A Search Engine for blogs
  • A set of Analysis tools that are applied to blog content daily
  • A fun look at real-world Trends as reflected through blogs
  • A Showcase, which we think of as a virtual sandbox where our researchers bring you some of the coolest new ideas, tools and gadgets for blogging

If you are a blogger …

  • You can ensure that your blog is represented in our index
  • Try our search engine to see who is talking about topics of interest to you
  • Find out who links to your blog actively through other bloggers' own blog entries, and in what context
  • Check out our Analysis and Trends tools to see what’s current or "bursty" (meaning it bursts onto the discussion scene) in the blogging world on any given day

If you are a web surfer …

  • Try our blog search engine to seek out and compare bloggers’ opinions on various topics of interest. This search engine is specific to blogs and doesn’t mix in other general content on the World Wide Web.
  • Check out our Analysis and Trends tools to see what’s top of mind in the blogging world on any given day.

If you are a journalist, writer, analyst or researcher …

  • You are going to love our blog search engine. It is a one-stop portal for finding out what bloggers are saying on topics of interest to you or on your beat. We did not scrimp on our search engine’s capabilities – you’ll find it quite powerful to meet your searching needs!
  • Perhaps you want to find out the latest, greatest memes and trends in the blogosphere—you’ve come to the right place. Check out our daily Analysis and Trends.
  • You have a hypothesis you are pursuing and are looking for quick, add-water-and-stir tools to confirm your thinking. Check out the latest selection of tools in our Showcase—we promise that it will be worth your visit. We are confident you’ll be back for more!

We’d love to hear from you about how BlogPulse helps you. We’d love it even more if you would share with us your thoughts and ideas on how to make BlogPulse even more useful. Send us your Feedback.

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Search What does BlogPulse search?
How many Blogs are out there? How many Blogs does BlogPulse search?
How do I search BlogPulse?

What does BlogPulse search?
BlogPulse searches content posted on weblogs, or blogs (i.e. BlogPulse is NOT a general World Wide Web search engine).

How many Blogs are out there? How many Blogs does BlogPulse search?
Today’s Internet hosts millions of blogs. The actual number varies depending on the source or the research on which the estimate is based. BlogPulse locates content from more than 1 million blogs and indexes them on a regular basis.

How do I search BlogPulse?
The BlogPulse search engine uses a simple interface which is similar to the interfaces used by most Web search engines, such as Google or Yahoo! Simply enter your search terms to locate blog entries containing those words. Click on Search Help if you want to know more about specific search features available on BlogPulse.

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Indexing How do I submit my blog to BlogPulse?
What does it cost to add my blog to BlogPulse?
How frequently does BlogPulse index my blog?

How do I submit my blog for indexing by BlogPulse?
Please use our Submit blog form. Remember, BlogPulse is a blog-only search engine. Please don’t spam it with URLs to general web sites or other resources. Spamming our blog submission process costs us a lot of time and resources, and prevents us from offering a high-quality, free service to the public.

What does it cost to add my blog to BlogPulse?
At this time, you can add your blog to be indexed by BlogPulse for free.

How frequently does BlogPulse index my blog?
At this time, BlogPulse will visit your blog at most once a day. Check here (the BlogPulse FAQ’s) next time you visit BlogPulse for any opt-in indexing plans we might offer in the coming months that include more frequent updating.

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Analysis How does BlogPulse analyze the blog data?
What is the "Top Links" feature?
What is the "Key People" feature?
What is the "Key Phrases" feature?
What is the "BlogBites" feature?
Can I get the daily BlogPulse Analysis via RSS?

How does BlogPulse analyze the blog data?
BlogPulse creates a full-text search index of all of the blog entries it finds every day. You can search this index through the BlogPulse search engine.

Additionally, BlogPulse analyzes the blog data in a number of interesting ways. These methods reveal the most cited links and key people that are referred to daily in blog entries.

BlogPulse also performs a unique kind of text mining on blog data to help reveal topics and themes within blog entries every day. These findings are presented to you in the form of key phrases and BlogBites.

What is the "Top Links" feature?
Top Links are the most cited or most popular links appearing in blog entries daily. Top Links can give you an idea of sources, stories and themes that have occupied the attention of bloggers on any given day.

What is the "Key People" feature?
Key People represents the most prominently featured people across blog entries daily.

The "Leaders" table showcases persons with the most overall citations on a given day, comparing the "rank" of each with the previous day. The "Bursty" table showcases persons who are the biggest movers or suddenly noteworthy—an indication of potentially new people who’ve entered the mindsets of bloggers (as in "bursting onto the scene today…").

What is the "Key Phrases" feature?
Key Phrases is a set of bursty phrases discovered in blog entries on a given day—an indication of the topics being blogged on that day. Key Phrases are automatically mined from blog entries every day through proprietary text mining techniques.

What is the "BlogBites" feature?
BlogBites showcases a blog entry for each key theme that’s automatically discovered during the daily indexing of blog entries. BlogBites intends to capture and present a daily snapshot of top stories from the world of blogs.

Can I get the daily BlogPulse Analysis via RSS?
Yes! Here are the links to the RSS feeds:

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Trends What are BlogPulse Trends?
These trend graphs are really cool. Can I suggest topics for creating new trend graphs?
Can I create BlogPulse Trend graphs on my own?
Can I publish BlogPulse Trend graphs on my blog, in a news/magazine article, in a research paper or text book, etc.?

What are BlogPulse Trends?
BlogPulse Trends is the one-click answer to the simple question: "What’s the buzz?" BlogPulse Trends identifies the topics and subjects that people are talking about in their blogs. Is it the latest political scandal? International struggle? A TV show? A new electronics gadget or computer operating system? A particular movie star or sports celebrity? A famous court case or a bizarre news story of the day?

A BlogPulse Trend uses a simple trend graph to display the buzz generated by any given topic or the comparison of buzz across a set of topics.

These trend graphs are really cool. Can I suggest topics for creating new trend graphs?
We think these BlogPulse Trend graphs are cool, too! Please give us your input on topics for creating trend graphs. We can’t promise that we can incorporate all your suggestions, but we will certainly do our best to showcase your ideas.

Can I create BlogPulse Trend graphs on my own?
For a limited time, we are going to let you generate your own BlogPulse Trend graphs. This technology is now accessible via our BlogPulse Showcase. Internally, we’ve found this to be an incredibly cool tool. We’d love to hear from you what you think!

Can I publish BlogPulse Trend graphs on my blog, in a news/magazine article, in a research paper or text book, etc.?
We are happy to hear that these BlogPulse Trend graphs can support a story or article or paper you may be authoring. You may reproduce the entire BlogPulse Trend graph only in its entirety (including any copyright, trademarks and watermarks that may be present in the graph / picture). Please provide in the accompanying text or in an explanatory cutline the appropriate attribution to our BlogPulse service for the trend graph, as well as the link to our web site (

If you have special needs, please send us an email, and we’ll be happy to talk to you and see how we can accommodate your needs.

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Showcase What is the BlogPulse Showcase?
How can I collaborate with you in the same way to showcase some cool capabilities?
Do you have a BlogPulse API?

What is the BlogPulse Showcase?
We are constantly innovating and producing new and cool tools and technologies. The BlogPulse Showcase is a sandbox for our researchers, developers and collaborators. This is where we offer an early peek into new and cool things related to blogs, blog searching, blog analysis and more. Check here frequently for new toys and tools for your use.

Your BlogPulse Showcase features some capabilities built by others. How can I collaborate with you in the same way to showcase some cool capabilities?
We actively collaborate with researchers and developers on a wide range of activities. The BlogPulse Showcase features work we’ve done with other firms. If you have specific research or development ideas for collaborating with us, please send us an email. A team member will contact you shortly to listen to your thoughts and determine any follow-up.

One obvious note of caution: Please don’t send any confidential or proprietary information to us—we cannot be responsible for receiving any material we didn’t ask for.

Do you have a BlogPulse API?
At this time, we have some mechanisms in place to work with our collaborators. A formal API is forthcoming. Please write to us about your interest or need from a BlogPulse API.

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Highlights What is the BlogPulse Highlights feature?
How frequently do you update the BlogPulse Highlights?

What is the BlogPulse Highlights feature?
Like millions of bloggers out there, Intelliseek has a blog, too. Originally we called it the "BlogPulse Blog," and most people who saw it basically said, "Huh?" So, we changed the name of our blog to "BlogPulse Highlights."

We intend to use BlogPulse Highlights to bring to your attention the latest information on service updates to, new features/capabilities, new collaborations, news about BlogPulse, etc. Occasionally, we will also use BlogPulse Highlights to bring attention to interesting things we are seeing in the world of blogs using our tools.

How frequently do you update the BlogPulse Highlights?
You can anticipate that we’ll post updates of some sort on BlogPulse Highlights about once a week.

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Contact / Feedback / Other Who is the creator of BlogPulse?
Do you accept ads on BlogPulse?
What is your Privacy Policy?
How can I contact you?
How can I give you feedback on your service?

Who is the creator of BlogPulse?
BlogPulse is a technology showcase of Intelliseek.

Do you accept ads on BlogPulse?
At this time, doesn’t accept or feature any ads.

What is your Privacy Policy?
Please take a look at our Privacy Policy here

How can I contact you?
Send an email and someone will get back to you shortly.

How can I give you feedback on your service?
We greatly appreciate you taking the time to send us your ideas and suggestions. Please submit your feedback here.

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