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Judge tosses convicted B.C. polygamists' constitutional challenge video
A judge has ruled against a constitutional challenge of Canada's polygamy laws brought by Winston Blackmore and James Oler.
Mounties charge Vice-Admiral Mark Norman with breach of trust
The RCMP have laid a single charge of breach of trust against the country’s second-highest military commander, CBC News has confirmed.
'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli gets 7 years in securities fraud case
"Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli was sentenced Friday to seven years in prison for defrauding investors in two failed hedge funds.
Updated Brenda Lucki named Canada's 1st permanent female RCMP commissioner video
Brenda Lucki has been named the RCMP's new commissioner — the top cop in the national police force — the first woman to take on the post permanently.
Ontario PC leadership a toss-up between Christine Elliott, Doug Ford, poll suggests
A new poll shows that the race for the Ontario PC Party leadership could be close, and that Christine Elliott and Doug Ford have the best shot at winning.