Three sweet methods for melting chocolate

The classic method for making this gooey mess consists of using a double boiler, but what if you don't have one?

How to melt chocolate without a proper double boiler: microwave, pan and bowl, or hairdryer?
How to melt chocolate without a proper double boiler: microwave, pan and bowl, or hairdryer?  (SYSTEM / Jonathan Forani)  

Chocolate is the clichéd gift of choice for Valentine’s Day. Morsel-filled heart-shaped boxes wrapped in red bows always do the trick, but this year why not spice things up by melting that chocolate down? The velvety result is the perfect ingredient for V-Day morning crepes or any late-night indulgence.

Be warned: A lot can go wrong when melting chocolate if it’s not done with care. It can seize into a clumpy paste if too much moisture enters the mix, and it can be scorched into a bitter sludge if the burners get too hot.

The classic method for melting chocolate consists of using a double boiler, which uses boiling water in a lower pan to melt the chocolate kept in a detachable upper pan.

But what do you do when you don’t have such a contraption? We tried out hacks scoured from the internet to see if there’s another method to up your V-Day game.

Test 1: DIY double boiler

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The Test: You can mimic the classic double-boiler method with a regular saucepan and a heatproof bowl made of tempered glass or stainless steel. Fill the saucepan with an inch of water, place the bowl of chocolate chunks on top and bring the water to a simmer. Turn the stove off and allow further melting. Stir the chocolate pieces as they melt.

The Result: This DIY double boiler works perfectly. Though some online columns suggest the upper pan should not touch either the water or the lower pan, that did not affect the results of the Star’s test. The only downside it that this method requires some additional cleaning, whereas the other methods can be done in the serving bowl.

The Rating: 9/10

Test 2: Microwave

The Test: Using a microwave-safe bowl, place chocolate chunks in the microwave for 30 seconds on a low setting. Remove and stir pieces and return to microwave for another 30-second interval until chocolate is melted. If the microwave does not have a turntable, rotate for each new interval. Depending on the amount of chocolate, this may only take two intervals.

The Result: Microwave-averse chefs won’t like this method, but it works. It is easy to scorch the chocolate in a microwave, however, so observe the melting closely, use low power and stick to short intervals.

The Rating: 8/10

Test 3: Blow dryer

The Test: Using the hottest setting possible, point a hand-held hair dryer at a bowl of chocolate pieces, stirring as they melt.

The Result: This method works much better than anticipated but requires more time and could be messier than other methods. If the blow dryer is too powerful, chocolate will end up all over your clothes and countertop. Opt for a less powerful setting and hold the hair dryer about six inches away from the chocolate.

The Rating: 7/10


For low maintenance cleanup, the microwave is a lazy chef’s best friend. That method and the blow-dryer method both can be done in the serving bowl, whereas the DIY double boiler requires additional bowls and pans.

Jonathan Forani is a Toronto-based freelance journalist in search of ways to make everything a little easier. He’s still looking for a life hack to six-pack abs.

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