Airlines, florists most common targets of business complaints in southern Alberta

The new international terminal of the Calgary International Airport. Lyle Aspinall / Postmedia Network

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A lost piece of luggage or a cancelled flight; those are just two of the factors that made airlines the most complained about industry in 2017, according to the latest rankings released by the Better Business Bureau of Southern Alberta and East Kootenay.

Topping the list with 145 complaints last year, the airline industry moved up a spot from the Better Business Bureau’s 2016 top 10 ranking, which had airlines second with 132 complaints, behind utility contractors with 188. Florists placed second in 2017 with 137 complaints, followed by car dealerships, utility contractors and roofers.

Better Business Bureau spokesperson Leah Brownridge said that when it comes to flights, people are more likely to file a complaint with the organization after an unpleasant experience, such as lost or damaged luggage, or a lack of accommodation after a flight cancellation when travelling for an urgent business or family event.

“That, of course, can create a lot of emotions and difficulties for consumers,” she said. “It happens to every airline out there. It’s pretty even between WestJet and Air Canada. Each of them see their fair share of complaints.”

Car dealerships are another big one. She said it’s important for consumers, when shopping for a vehicle, to ensure they understand what’s in their agreement with the dealership.

“One of the biggest issues we see with complaints is when it comes to warranties for repairs and there may be some discrepancy in what is and is not covered by the warranty as per the consumer’s understanding and the dealership’s understanding,” said Brownridge. “Some people feel that there are some misleading sales tactics or you’re being pushed to make a fast decision.”

The Better Business Bureau publishes its ranking of industries which receive the most complaints each year to help consumers know which businesses are reputable and trustworthy, and to also remind companies about the importance of good customer service, according to Brownridge.

This year’s list had one surprise, with florists ranking so high. She said the vast majority of complaints had to do with missed and wrongful deliveries by one florist company that had changed ownership. That company is now working with the Better Business Bureau to resolve the complaints.

The organization also publishes a top 10 list of inquiries by industry, as many consumers look to the Better Business Bureau to find out if certain companies are legitimate, have a history of consumer complaints, or been associated with any scams.

Roofing contractors topped the list with more than 41,000 inquiries, followed by the home renovations and general contractor industries with nearly 37,000 and 34,700 inquiries, respectively.

Here is the top 10 ranking of industries by complaints for 2017:

  1. Airlines: 145
  2. Florists: 137
  3. Car dealerships: 83
  4. Utility contractors: 80
  5. Roofers: 65
  6. Television-Cable, CATV and satellite: 63
  7. Movers: 61
  8. General contractors: 53
  9. Tax return services: 43
  10. Home renovations: 42


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