
Request Number Request Text (The texts below are published how they were received)
A-2016-00077 Provide copies of all documents, including memos, briefing notes, talking points, media lines, e-mails, correspondence, strategic plans, Power Point presentations, BlackBerry PIN's, etc. regarding CBC President Hubert Lacroix's letter to the House of Commons Heritage Committee (http://www.cbc.radio-canada.ca/en/media-centre/2016/11/21) since November 1, 2016. Please limit the search to the Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal offices.
A-2011-00160 Provide a copy of CBC's policy on staff accepting gifts or hospitality from outside organizations or individuals.
A-2011-00142 Provide copies of CBC Access to Information policies regarding releasing the identities of those who submit Access to Information requests, in violation of the provisions of the Access to Information and Privacy Acts.
A-2008-00093 I would like access to the CBC/Radio-Canada's current policy and procedures with regard to employees speaking to members of the news media, and the policy that was in effect December 31, 2005.
A-2008-00096 I would like access to a listing of the vehicle fleet owned or leased by the CBC/Radio-Canada and available for transportation of the president/CEO, chair, and board of directors, plus a copy of the CBC/Radio-Canada's policy with regard to idling of vehicles.
Clarification (via email Sept 03, 2008):
requester would like the information current at the time of the request.
A-2008-00125 Personal blogs. Provide records of the guideline document issued to CBC/Radio-Canada staff regarding personal blogs. Also provide any records if this guideline document was solidified into corporate policy.
A-2007-00296 Provide copy of the CBC/Radio-Canada policy or regulation or procedure governing the hire of a CBC/Radio-Canada annuitant and the limitations thereof.
A-2007-00054 Issues pertaining to non-compliance with the CBC/Radio-Canada Travel Policy must be reported directly to the appropriate Vice-President by Corporate Finance and Administration. For 2005, provide records under the control or possession of the V-P Corporate Finance and Administration of any such reports of non-compliance.
A-2007-00055 Non -compliance with CBC/Radio-Canada Travel Policy 2006. Issues pertaining to non-compliance with the CBC/Radio-Canada policy must be reported directly to the appropriate Vice-President by Corporate Finance and Administration. For 2006 provide records under the control or possession of the V-P Corporate Finance and Administration of any such reports of non-compliance.
A-2007-00056 Non-Compliance with CBC/Radio-Canada Travel Policy 2007. Issues pertaining to non-compliance with the CBC/Radio-Canada policy must be reported directly to the appropriate Vice-President by Corporate Finance and Administration. For 2007 provide records under the control or possession of the VP Corporate Finance and Administration of any such reports of non-compliance.
A-2007-00069 Provide copy of the policy for internal disclosure of information on wrongdoing in the workplace. Provide copies of reports and evaluations conducted after the implementation of the policy on the Internal Disclosure of Wrongdoing the Workplace in 2004 which were received by the Board of Directors. Provide all versions of the policy from 2004 to present.
The request includes all versions of the policy from 2004 to present (date of request).

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