Policy 1.1.8: Hiring of Political Figures on CBC Programs

Effective: June 16, 1996

CBC/Radio-Canada information programming must project an impartial, non-partisan image. This is especially important in the use of on-air program people, who are often seen by the audience as personifying the CBC/Radio-Canada. Consequently, special problems may be created by the hiring of people who, because of their involvement in politics, have become identified in the public mind with a particular political party or position.

In a situation where a person's past political associations would not jeopardize the Corporation's impartiality there is no problem. Where their past experience is too closely related to program content, and consistent with a long-standing CBC practice, such people should not be engaged for at least two years after they have discontinued public association with political issues.

The hiring of anyone who, because of their involvement in politics, have become identified in the public mind with a particular political party or position, first requires the approval of the Vice-President of the appropriate media International.

To ensure consistency of application throughout the Corporation, any such hiring should be communicated, and, where component or the Executive Director of CBC/Radio-Canada necessary, discussed beforehand, among the designated representatives of the networks and RCI.

This policy does not preclude the use of people to deliver opinionated commentaries provided such commentaries are clearly the views of the speaker and not the Corporation.

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