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'Tickled plum to death': These Trump voters love Obamacare and are glad it's survived
Among those cheering loudest when the Republican plan to remake the U.S. health-care system collapsed last week were some of Donald Trump's strongest supporters. And they'd vote for Trump again.
Pot legalization: What will it mean for schools?
Instead of fearing classrooms full of students in a pot-induced haze, experts are hopeful that making marijuana legal will open up opportunities to better educate young people about the risks of using the drug.
Jason Kenney's views on gay-straight alliances called 'extremist' by Alberta education minister video
Alberta Education Minister David Eggen says Jason Kenney’s position that parents should be notified when their kids join a gay-straight alliance shows his true views.
Ivanka Trump to become official White House employee
Ivanka Trump is officially joining her father's administration as an unpaid employee, after her plans to serve in a more informal capacity were questioned by ethics experts.
GO PUBLIC 'I feel duped': Why bank employees with impressive but misleading titles could cost you big time
Mike Black says he feels "completely betrayed" after investing almost $1 million with the help of an RBC Dominion Securities “vice-president” who he later learned is only licensed as a salesperson.