Conservative Review host Michelle Malkin "raised a toast" to Sean Hannity after he "exposed" CBS journalist Ted Koppel as one of the "decrepit elitists" in the media.

Despite Hannity calling the interview on "CBS Sunday Morning" a waste of time, Malkin said it was worth it for him, because he further exposed media bias.

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"I have to raise a toast to you... for exposing these 'Walking Dead' liberal media decrepit elitists," she said, calling the incident a "very teachable moment in liberal media history."

Hannity said he did not take the deceptive editing personally, recalling how he admired Koppel's reporting on the Iran Hostage Crisis.

Malkin called Koppel is an example of an "ancient gatekeeper" for the media, from the time before cable news.

"Only he can be entrusted with delivering the proper amount of news and opinion to America," she remarked.

She added that Koppel's use of only 70 seconds from a 45-minute interview is akin to that of conservative journalist James O'Keefe's pieces, without the outrage the latter receives for editing content.

Watch Hannity respond directly to Koppel in his Opening Monologue HERE.

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