This year's Washington Times CPAC straw poll found that 86 percent of those polled approve of the job Donald Trump is doing as president.

Of those, 56 percent strongly approve and 31 percent somewhat approve, while 12 percent disapprove.

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The poll also revealed that 44 percent believe America is heading in the right direction, while 47 percent believe the country is on the wrong track.

In response to the statement, "President Trump is realigning the Conservative Movement," 80 percent agreed, while 15 percent disagreed.

For the most important issue facing the nation, 46 percent voted in favor of the economy, jobs and tax reform.

On Trump's nominee Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court vacancy, 94 percent approve of this choice -- 83 percent strongly.

On the issue of immigration, 91 percent are in favor of the government cutting off federal funding to any sanctuary city, county or public college that refuses to cooperate with authorities to enforce immigration laws.

Additionally, 81 percent approve of Trump's executive order on immigration temporarily halting citizens from seven Muslim-majority nations until a more thorough vetting process is put in place.

Finally, 70 percent approve of Trump's continued use of Twitter now that he is president.

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