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Analysis Why Trudeau-Trump feels like more than a simple chat about the economy video
On one level, Trudeau and Trump are just the leaders of two neighbouring countries whose economies are deeply intertwined. That simple reality might prevail on Monday, but everything else will weigh heavily on the moment.
Pre-clearance bill would give U.S. border agents in Canada new powers video
The Liberal government is pushing forward with a bill drafted prior to the election of Donald Trump that would give U.S. border officers in Canada new powers.
Adele sweeps Grammy's biggest categories, winning 5 awards overall
Adele was the big winner at the 59th Grammys on Sunday with five honours, including song of the year and record of the year for Hello, album of the year for 25, and best pop vocal album and pop solo performance.
Thousands flee California town as nearby dam faces emergency spillway failure
At least 130,000 people were asked to evacuate in Northern California after authorities warned an emergency spillway in the country's tallest dam was in danger of failing Sunday and unleashing uncontrolled flood waters on towns below.
Child sex doll trial opens Pandora's box of questions about child porn
A trial in St. John's that centres on a box containing an unassembled sex doll raises fundamental and complicated questions about child pornography.