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Membership: The Ludwig von Mises Institute

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List Price: $60.00
Price: $60.00
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If you appreciate the resources and fighting spirit you find on, know that the Mises Institute exists solely on voluntary contributions. We accept no government grants and do no work-for-hire for large foundations or corporations.

The energy you see on display is due to a small and dedicated staff, and a vast network of students, faculty, and volunteers around the world. We depend entirely on the financial support of people who share our ideals.

Joining as a member of the Mises Institute with a tax-deductible contribution of $60 brings you reports and news, admission to all conferences at member prices, and a 10% discount in the Mises Store for the duration of your membership. Look for the coupon code on the back of your membership card, in your member welcome packet, that will be mailed to you. (More giving opportunities are explained at our donate page, and membership packs will arrive, separate from your order, in the mail, within 2-4 weeks.)

The most important benefit of membership is the knowledge that you are playing an important role in an effective push for sound economic education, free markets, sound money, and peace. Thank you so much for your support of the Mises Institute.


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by Toomas
on 4/26/2010
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When you order this item, you'll see the following: Status: Shipped DIGITAL GOODS Name Download Remaining Membership (unlimited) How great is that? For those of us who prefer to read in digital, it doesn't get much better. All the books that I enjoy get to stay around for a little bit longer. Available for everyone - instantly, in unlimited quantity. This is as close to an economic miracle as it gets. Keep up the good work :)
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