1. When you find an item you want to buy, just click on the "Add to Cart" button. It will automatically be placed in your shopping cart.
  2. To remove an item from your shopping cart, simply click on the 'remove' link by any item you want deleted from your cart.
  3. When you have all of the products you want to purchase in your shopping cart, simply click on the Checkout button to update your order and continue through the checkout process.
  4. If you are a returning customer with an account, you will need to provide your user name and password to log into your account. Once you've successfully logged in, your address and stored payment information can be used for this purchase or modified as required.
  5. If you are a new customer or a returning customer without an account, you will be required to provide address and payment information in order to complete the purchase. You may set up an account to store address and payment information for your future purchases.
  6. Important Note: The address information you provide for the Billing Address MUST exactly match the billing address on your credit card statement. Inaccurate address information may delay the shipment of your order.


HOW TO PAY accepts the following: American Express, Mastercard, Visa, & Discover. Gift cards issued by anyone other than are not accepted. American Express, Visa, etc. gift cards are NOT accepted. If you use your debit card to pay for your order, please keep in mind that items are billed when shipped and funds must be available in your account at that time. The charge for your order will appear on your credit card bill as "CARTOONNETWORKSHOP.COM"

When you purchase a product from, your contract to purchase will not be complete and no contract will be formed until sends you an email letting you know that the item(s) you've ordered have been shipped to you. While we do our best to ensure the accuracy of information contained on, it is possible that errors in pricing or item specification may occur. If the correct price of an item is higher than the price listed, we reserve the right to cancel or modify your order and notify you of such cancellation or modification before shipping.



You may place your order by calling us toll-free at (866) 373-2107. Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 8:00pm EST and Saturday from 9:00am to 6:00pm EST.

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