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Chapter Resources

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Find the help you need to run a successful Chapter

For each project, create a plan that includes the following elements:

Start with “done” and work your way back to today. You’ll do a better job of identifying and allocating the resources needed to get there.

A list of who is responsible for what. Every project includes multiple responsibilities. Break down projects into functions and decide who will be taking care of each function. For example, if you are running a meeting, someone will need to oversee programme planning; someone else will need to secure a room and make sure it is set up; someone else will need to be responsible for promotion; and so on.

A timeline for getting the project completed. Be sure to include schedules for completing all of the steps along the way.

Interim benchmarks. Include a mechanism that enables everyone involved to check in throughout the process to be sure that everything is going according to plan.

Equipment and facitilies. If possible, can you secure partners or sponsors who can contribute these to the project?

Communications and reporting. During the project-planning phase, make sure there is a way for everyone to report on progress (or lack of progress). You want to know ahead of time if aspects of the project are behind schedule or running into problems.

Celebrating accomplishment. This is a critical step in the process. If you want to ensure future successes, be sure to spread the kudos and thanks far and wide!

With your first year's goals and plan in hand, click here to Complete and Submit an Application to the Internet Society.