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Discussion Paper Series

The Internet Society Discussion Paper Series is intended, as the name suggests, to stimulate discussion around a topical issue of importance to meeting the Internet Society goals.  In style, these papers are intended to be longer than a blog post and shorter than a full research study, and likewise, in substance they represent our emerging opinion, but do not represent a final Internet Society position.  Instead, we intend these papers as a means to gather information and insight from our community on the topics.  The discussion will inform our view on the issue, and will be reflected in a revised version of the paper.  Please join the discussion in our Connect Open Forum to provide us with your insights and opinions.

The Mobile App Divide

Michael Kende

Discussion Paper No. 1
17 November 2015

The first mobile app store was introduced by Apple just seven years ago, and already apps are the main way that many interact with the Internet, using a wide variety of smart devices including phones and tablets. This popularity has generated an app economy worth multi billions of dollars, generating welcome jobs and earnings. However, as with the digital divide for Internet access, the benefits of the app economy are not felt by all.... (read more)