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Identity Guidelines

This is where we start, the concept that drives everything we do – it's at the core of what many folks would call the Internet Society brand:

The Internet Society is the trusted independent source for Internet information and thought leadership from around the world. With its principled vision and substantial technological foundation, the Internet Society promotes open dialogue on Internet policy, technology, and future development among users, companies, governments, and other organizations. Working with its members and Chapters around the world, the Internet Society enables the continued evolution and growth of the Internet for everyone.

To be clear, our brand isn’t our logo, our mission, or even our name. It’s how people feel about us when they hear our name, talk about us when we’re not there, and the reason people turn to us as leading advisors in global policy, experts in education programmes, and look to us as an organization that can help inspire positive change in communities, towns and countries all over the world.

Our visual guidelines are a reflection of that and allow us to engage with people everywhere.

The Internet Society’s logo is a registered trademark and is subject to copyright. It cannot be reproduced without express permission and cannot be used to endorse or promote any products or services.

We do, however, encourage using and sharing other content online under these guidelines.

Internet Society Logo Guidelines

Download web and print ready versions of our logo.

Chapter Logos

A list of Chapter logos avaible in GIF and EPS formats.

While permission is required to use the Internet Society logo, we encourage sharing of our the content. For guidelines, see Sharing our Content.