Welcome to BirdLife Australia's Citizen Science Portal

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Supported By

Atlas of Living Australia

This site is the Citizen Science Portal for BirdLife Australia, where you can contribute your observations of native birds to a number of the BirdLife Australia projects that are using this site.

Initially this site was developed to support the BirdLife Australia Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo Tracker project, and the people who were recording on the old site can still record their information here, where the data will help inform the broader BirdLife Australia Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo Recovery Project .

Since the project began, the team behind this site — from the Atlas of Living Australia — have been working with BirdLife Australia to add additional functionality and projects to this site. The various projects involved in the site will include nesting, roosting and general sighting forms that will enable community members to directly enter information into this online database and see their records build over time.

All the data being collected through this portal goes to the Birds Australia projects, and is also transmitted to the Atlas of Living Australia for broad dissemination across a wide range of interested researchers.

If you have sightings of other birds, you have several options;

Our Projects

Click on an image of a project you are interested in to sign in and start recording observations today! Or register with the site here.

Latest Statistics

Number of users 4638
Total number of records 34860
Number of species recorded 314

The last sighting was a Carnaby's Cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus latirostris in the group Birds.