Mid-life mum

A wobbly over the wellies

By Cari Rosen, July 29, 2011

Five things I learned last week:

1) Big hair can be a big asset.

Number of gifts given to my child by random strangers on the train from Manchester because they liked her locks - four (two packets of biscuits, a bag of crisps and a beaded key ring in the shape of a jester). I am wondering whether our next trip should be to the local Apple store.


So who's the cry baby in our house?

By Cari Rosen, May 12, 2011

I wouldn't say that I have ever considered myself to be a heartless person. But it would be accurate to admit that in years gone by sentimentality was an alien concept and that even the most mawkish of movies would fail to move me.


Let that be a lesson to me

By Cari Rosen, March 31, 2011

With the child's third birthday fast approaching, it is time to take stock. To look back over the past 12 months and see what I have learned. Namely:


Caught napping by my girl's sleep strike

By Cari Rosen, March 4, 2011

To sleep perchance to dream… chance would be a fine thing.


After months of struggle I've given birth… to a book

By Cari Rosen, January 28, 2011

When I look back over the past three years I see that my life has changed in ways I had hardly dared to hope it would.

Yes, yes, I may have walked away from a well-paid and successful career and gained a dress size, a few grey hairs and a panoply of wrinkles, but I have also achieved my two greatest ambitions: to become a mum… and to write a book.

I was overjoyed to discover I was expecting. And despite a few scares early on it was a pretty textbook pregnancy, a heady mix of nausea, elasticated-waist trousers and industrial-sized bottles of Gaviscon.


Here's a wee problem that's driving me potty

By Cari Rosen, December 22, 2010

If I have grown 20 years older in the space of the last fortnight then I can attribute it to only one thing: potty training.

My desire to outsource this rite of passage was thwarted by the fact my husband is snowed under at work. So I am left with no option but to get on with it myself.


Wake up, it's time to trampoline

By Cari Rosen, November 22, 2010

It is 6am on a weekend morning.

This is an hour I have not cared to acquaint myself with since… well, ever really. And since the child was a new-born, to be fair, I have not really had to.

With very little instruction she has adhered rather nicely to the seven till seven rule - and on the occasions that she does wake early she will happily chat to her toys, the curtains and the towel hanging on the back of the door until her mother staggers in to bid her good morning.

But today, for reasons I have not been able to fathom, it's all gone wrong.


My girl's in pain. Keeping calm is not an option

By Cari Rosen, October 14, 2010

It is a regular Tuesday afternoon and we are rolling up our sleeves to wash our hands before tea (although by "tea" perhaps I should clarify that the repast to which I refer may be better known to you as "supper" or "dinner" depending on what part of the country you hail from. This has been a source of some confusion, not to mention embarrassment on more than one occasion since I forsook the north in order to search out fame and fortune in the south).

But anyway… there we are, rolling up our sleeves for the umpteenth time that day, when suddenly the child starts to shriek.


Driving me mad

By Cari Rosen, September 7, 2010

We are in the car, heading north. We have no sooner turned out of our road when the child starts demanding snacks. It is 8 o' clock in the morning. There are still 200 miles to go and I have already sat on the one box of bread sticks I have packed and I can't for the life of me find the raisins.

I am wrestling with my conscience - give up all the principles I have held dear for the last two years, or stop at the nearest garage to buy a large bag of sweets to keep her quiet?

The scruples win. Although my nerves soon come to regret the blanket ban on junk food.


Obsession with illness isn't healthy

By Cari Rosen, August 12, 2010

I had never really understood the phrase "enjoying ill health" until the child turned two - and became a raving hypochondriac.

Nor had I realised quite how bad things had become until 3 o' clock one morning when I rushed (well, staggered) to her aid after hearing her sobbing: "Ring the doctor, ring the doctor."

As it happens on this occasion, her call for medical assistance was based solely on the fact that Squeak Squeak (her toy mouse) had fallen out of bed. However, this is but one example of her ever-growing preoccupation with matters of health.
