Ask the QC

Why the Ronnie Fraser case against the UCU was a legal and public relations disaster

By Jonathan Goldberg, April 22, 2013

Rebecca from Finchley writes: I was furious to read your comment last week that bringing the Ronnie Fraser harassment case against the University College Union was “an act of epic folly”. Surely it was high time the Anglo-Jewish community stood up for its rights, win or lose?


When is a hate crime not a hate crime?

By Jonathan Goldberg, March 14, 2013

Emma, a 15-year-old from Harrow, writes: My grandfather is 89 and thankfully he remains in almost perfect control of his memory.


Why do barristers defend the guilty?

By Jonathan Goldberg, February 7, 2013

Jerome from Bournemouth writes: I am an avid reader of your column and enjoy learning about the various areas of law thrown up by the problems of your readers. However, I have read that you have defended in many high-profile criminal cases, some of which involved murderers and child abusers.


Why we must not get hysterical over abuse claims

By Jonathan Goldberg, January 3, 2013

Gerald from Manchester writes:

I was divorced from my first wife eight years ago, and our two children live with her, except every other weekend and holidays, when they stay with me and my new wife and baby.


My daughter is being blackmailed by her ex-husband

By Jonathan Goldberg, December 6, 2012

Jane from London writes:
My husband and I are still reeling from news we have received from our daughter. She recently obtained her decree nisi of divorce from her husband on the grounds of his unreasonable behaviour, which has persisted throughout a long marriage.


How to avoid a domestic with the hired help

By Jonathan Goldberg, November 8, 2012

Joel from Wanstead writes:
I travel to Indonesia on business, and have come across a well-known agency there which supplies respectable local girls as domestic workers to foreign countries such as the UK.


How can I avoid bequeathing my children a family broiges?

By Jonathan Goldberg, October 4, 2012

Hetty from Edgware writes:
I am a pensioner aged 83, and I live alone with a part-time helper. My late husband who died last year always took good care of our finances. In truth I had very little knowledge or understanding of them previously. He left me with the house which I think is worth over a million pounds, and more than a million pounds in income-producing stocks and bonds.


Our safe wasn't so safe

By Jonathan Goldberg, August 30, 2012

Maya from Radlett writes:


How to avoid starting a war with next door

By Jonathan Goldberg, July 19, 2012

Ruth from Poole, Dorset writes: My husband and I are teachers. With our two children and our dog, we recently moved into a cottage in a quiet street which leads down to the beach.


My daughter's been insulted. Can I sue?

By Jonathan Goldberg, June 13, 2012

Renee from Leeds writes: I have just received a most horrible email. It is from the mother of one of my daughter`s best friends. My daughter just turned 15, and is a well-behaved girl and a fine student.
