We gratefully acknowledge the support of 

On behalf of the organising committee, we extend a warm invitation to you to attend the combined 10th Invertebrate Biodiversity & Conservation / Society of Australian Systematic Biologists Conference. It will be held in Melbourne, Victoria, from Sunday December 4th - 7th 2011, with a national invertebrate conservation workshop on Thursday December 8th. The conference will bring together researchers (scientists and students) from a broad range of interests to discuss the latest research in invertebrate conservation, biodiversity, ecology and systematics.

The conference will run several symposia with themes of major importance. Intending delegates are encouraged to submit papers/posters on their own areas of expertise and interest as the overall program will be designed to cover a much broader range of topics.

All intending delegates are encouraged to submit an Expression of Interest
click here) as soon as possible to assist the organising committee in the early stages of the conference planning. We are also asking intending delegates of inform us the titles of oral presentations and posters to help session planning.

We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne

The 2011 Organising Committee

University of Melbourne - Parkville Campus

Parkville Campus

Click here to view campus map

Copyright © 10IBCC 2011
Slater - Barrowdillo sp nov image in banner source: McCaffrey, S. & Gibson, L. (2009) Available online at PaDIL -