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Release Name: 1.1.0

activerecord-jdbc-adapter is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord
component that can be used with JRuby[]. It allows use of
virtually any JDBC-compliant database with your JRuby on Rails application.

Changes: == 1.1.0 (12/09/10) - Don't narrow platform to '-java' only: revert back to 0.9.2 where ar-jdbc can be installed under any Ruby (for easier Bundler/Warbler usage and less confusion on - Upgrade MySQL execute code to use RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS. - Upgrade to MySQL driver version 5.1.13 - Add multi-statement support, idea from oruen. For databases that support it, you can now do: results = Model.connection.execute("select 1; select 2") and receive back an array of multiple result set arrays. For use with MySQL, you need to add options: allowMultiQueries: true in database.yml. - ACTIVERECORD_JDBC-144: Fix limits appearing in schema dump for some datatypes (Uwe Kubosch) - Fixes for DB2 limit/offset - Fix rake db:create for 'jdbc' adapter (Joeri Samson) - add create/drop database methods to h2 adapter (sahglie) - Use connection getDatabaseProductName instead of getClass.getName when detecting JNDI dialects (Denis Odorcic) - ACTIVERECORD_JDBC-146: Fix create_table to not append encoding (Marc Slemko) - All green on SQLite3 Rails master ActiveRecord tests - ACTIVERECORD_JDBC-140: Sync postgres add/change column code from Rails master - ACTIVERECORD_JDBC-139: TEXT/DATE on PostgreSQL should not have limits