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On our weekly podcast, Washington editor Christopher Hayes demystifies the story behind one issue that's all over the headlines. Is offshore drilling ever safe? How can the Fed boost the economy? Will financial reform prevent future bailouts? All this and more every week on The Breakdown.

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Top stories on TheNation.com.

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Robert Dreyfuss and Jeremy Scahill on foreign policy, national security, the military-industrial complex, and wars (declared and not).

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Greg Mitchell's opinion and analysis on the entire media spectrum-MSM, blogosphere, cable news and alt media-all day long.

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Katrina vanden Heuvel, Eric Alterman, and Katha Pollitt: all blogging, all in one place.

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Domestic politics, economics, and activism with John Nichols, Peter Rothberg and The Nation's Notion bloggers.


Politics, current affairs and riffs and reflections on the news.
Breaking news and analysis of politics, the economy and activism.
Nation editor-at-large and host of MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes.
Politics, culture, ideology and sex, not necessarily in that order.
Politics, feminism, culture, books and daily life.
Feminism, sexuality & social justice. With a sense of humor.
Where the past isn’t even past.
Well-chosen words on music, movies and politics, with the occasional special guest.
News of America's misadventures in foreign policy and defense.
 Short takes on politics, culture and life.
Action and dysfunction in the Beltway swamp. E-mail tips to george@thenation.com. 
DC dispatches. E-mail tips to zoe@thenation.com.
 Race, gender, politics, religion and our struggles.
 On American politics and policy.
Investigating the intersection of politics, lobbying and public policy.
All the blackness that's fit to print. And some that isn't. 
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s first 100 days—a partnership between The Nation and City Limits.
Analysis of foreign affairs and policy that emphasizes global cooperation and grassroots participation.
Stories that matter. Tips: shsieh@thenation.com.
Budget wars, activism, uprising, dissent and general rabble-rousing.
Lady business with equal parts lady and business.
Where sports and politics collide.
The climate movement, culture and politics.
Community editor at The Nation.
Good politics through strong collaborative movements, reproductive freedom and justice for all.
The fragile and faltering state of American democracy.
Radical multimedia. Send tips to frank@thenation.com.
Politics and culture, news and views from Europe.
Dispatches from this modern world.
Media, politics and culture.
Campus-oriented news, first-person reports from student activists and journalists about their campus.
Politics, media and the politics of media.
Opposing war, racism, sexism, climate change, economic injustice and more.
Politics and pop, past and present.
Unfiltered takes on politics, ideas and culture from Nation editors and contributors.
Budget wars, activism, uprising, dissent and general rabble-rousing.
Poverty in America: people, politics and policy.
From abortion rights to social justice, and lots in between.
 British politics and culture with an American accent.
TV and radio appearances by Nation writers and editors, big Nation announcements.
Your Guide to Meaningful Action
Dispatches on wars, the military-industrial complex and national security.
 Washington: a city of denials, spin, and political calculations. The Nation's former DC editor David Corn spent 2002-2007 blogging on the policies, personalities and lies that spew out of the nation's capital. The complete archive appears below. Corn is now the DC editor at Mother Jones.
Alerts, announcements and information from The Nation.
 Politics, wonkery and everything in between.
 Dispatches on prisons, sentencing, civil rights, race and activism.
 Education, health, women's issues and politics.
Digesting the news about women and men, policy and politics.
Guest blogging until September 11, 2011.
Law, politics, new media and beats, rhymes and life.
Middle East politics and American foreign policy.
The online diary of a mad law professor.
 The 2012 election, Republican politics and conservative media.
Notes on environmental issues and energy policy.
Where progressives come to debate.
Breaking news, politics, culture and—not least—humor.
Kosman and Picciotto on their Nation puzzle, cryptic crosswords, wordplay and puzzles in general.
The 2012 primary, political ads, and the political psychology behind it all.
In-depth coverage of voter suppression efforts nationwide, in partnership with Colorlines.com.
Where race and gender meet, where politics and pop culture collide.
On rights and wrongs in constitutional law, criminal justice and national security.
Sex and politics, in the streets and everywhere else.
Thinking from the intersection of race, culture and politics. Also, talking smartly about stupid things.
Satire = a foundation of fact + a house frame of pain + a paint coat of stupid.
Where politics, culture and history Collide
Culture and the arts in America, sliced and diced.
Crossing the Middle East's red lines.
Labor in the Walmart economy.
Racial justice, Native rights and immigration. 
Recession-era realtalk from a Deep South roadtrip.
Sexuality and gender: What’s law got to do with it?
Politics, pop culture, and the politics of pop culture.
Wide-angle, deep-focus coverage of the Bradley Manning court-martial.
Making sense of weird weather, rising waters and all things climate change.
New words from writers of color.
Thoughts on arts, culture, medicine, politics—to name just a few.
Immigration and labor.
Governor Chris Christie, the Tea Party and the GOP’s 2016 civil war.

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