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Nation Topics - Regions and Countries


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For the people of South Africa, Mandela was the leader they could identify with—one who had suffered alongside them.

An effective isolation of Israeli academic institutions will undoubtedly curtail some privileges that Israeli scholars take for granted, like generous travel subsidies, but that has no bearing on their academic freedom.

Instead of boycotting, let's build transnational coalitions among scholars.


At first it was the Muslim Brotherhood. Now dozens of journalists, non-Islamist activists and students have been detained and beaten.

Contrary to what Goldberg has written, I believe that the only version of BDS that can be defended is one that is compatible with principles of academic freedom.

Honduran demonstrator

Will the country take a step toward democracy, or remain mired in corruption and repression?

Sign of Netanyahu

Max Blumenthal’s carelessly constructed case against the Jewish state won’t help the occupation’s victims. 

Geert Wilders

It’s not just here that the right has gone “wacko”—it isn’t interested in governing effectively in Europe, either. 

Syrians protest in Egypt.

Syrians fleeing the fighting at home have found themselves targeted amid Egypt’s political upheaval.


The Israeli musician shares his thoughts on the American Jewish community and collaborating with Palestinian artists.

January 16, 2014

There are two tests of social change movements: endurance and regeneration. After two decades, Mexico's Zapatista movement can now say it passed both.

January 15, 2014

If Washington and Tehran cooperate, they may find themselves on the same side in key regional conflicts.

January 6, 2014

It’s ugly, but the United States ought to stay out of it.

December 19, 2013

A Syrian national who fought in Bosnia and now languishes in immigration detention reflects on the Bosnian war, his predicament and the civil war in Syria.

December 19, 2013

Two doddering old neoconservative cranks channel John McCain, circa 2007.

December 13, 2013

Islamists gain upper hand in Syria opposition, to blundering Washington’s dismay.

December 12, 2013

A blowup over the crisis in Kiev is the last thing that Obama needs.

December 11, 2013

It’s a lot bigger than just Iran’s nuclear program.

December 5, 2013

The last thing Obama needs to do in his “pivot” to Asia is try to “contain” China.

November 27, 2013