
Nation Topics - Gender and Sexuality | The Nation

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Nation Topics - Gender and Sexuality


Feminism Gender Issues Reproductive Rights Sex and Sexuality


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Sochi illustration

Russia’s anti-gay legislation is shockingly repressive.

As a former George Washington University basketball player and the first openly transgender Division I athlete, Kye Allums is no stranger to transgender ignorance in the media.

Buffer zone

At oral argument, members of the Supreme Court seemed suspicious that a thirty-five-foot buffer was necessary for safe entrance to reproductive health facilities.

Preventing further sexual and economic violence will require a more equitable distribution of resources within the country and the hemisphere.

Gay rights protest

An alliance is born between anti-gay, anti-abortion American groups and the Russian Orthodox Church.

Amid the bad news for women, the year had its bright moments.

With Duck Dynasty, A&E has a golden opportunity to get real.

When Robin Thicke, Miley Cyrus, R. Kelly and capitalism killed sexual liberation.

Islamic feminists

Muslim women are fighting for their rights from within Islamic tradition, rather than against it.


In the wake of the Supreme Court fight over buffer zones, it’s clear that we need something more proactive to protect women and their rights.

January 21, 2014

Republicans are once again promoting marriage as a solution to poverty. A comprehensive new report shows why it won't work. 


January 15, 2014

States passed fifty-three laws restricting abortion last year, but midterm elections give pro-choice activists an opportunity to flip the trend. 

January 14, 2014

Cornell's decision to update its policy has been framed as the administration’s unprompted decision to do the right thing, but students and faculty have been calling for change for some time.

January 14, 2014

Putting a harder cap on overtime would create more jobs and give exhausted workers more time to take care of their home lives. 

January 13, 2014

The transgender woman and activist served nineteen months of a forty-one-month sentence.

January 13, 2014

In the eyes of Texas, one woman is now nothing more than a machine.

January 10, 2014

The New York governor’s refusal to allocate funds for universal pre-K reveals the limits of his social progressivism.

January 9, 2014

Don’t go into the new year without reading these pieces! 

December 30, 2013

Let us not dignify this incident by calling it a culture war.

December 26, 2013