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OBS - I found a way to make the compactui larger just like the RUN command you should put in your macro. It happens that I have a lot of characters, so I put it straight into the code and it worked just fine. I'm posting here because it's just so useful now that I have to share :)

1. Open Interface\AddOns\Auc-Advanced\Modules\Auc-Util-CompactUI\CompactUI.lua 2. Go in line 380-381 that should be like

-- Select our PCT column

3. And put BELOW it these lines:

-- Changing the window size

4. In the end it'll look like:

Line 380:  -- Select our PCT column
Line 381:  selectHeader(private.headers[8])
Line 382:
Line 383:  -- Changing the window size
Line 384:  AuctionFrame:SetScale(1.3)
Line 385:  end

OBS - Change the scale in SetScale for whatever you want (the default window is 1.0). I think 1.3 is good, but some prefer 1.2. I left blank line 382 propositally.

Hope it helps the ones that are tired of pressing that macro on all characters :)

Setting configs

I don't use the slidebar (too many addonds already), so it would be nice if you added configs to blizzards normal interface, or added a slashcommand to open config up (so you don't have to go to an auction house) --Nwhat 11:50, 9 March 2009 (EDT)

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