Data Protection

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Data Protection 

The Data Protection Act 1998 is designed to protect your personal information and to make sure that it is dealt with carefully and properly. Personal data is information about you, such as your name, address, telephone number or your financial details.

The Act requires all organisations that gather and deal with personal information to comply with eight important rules known as the Data Protection principles.

Organisations or people that collect and use personal information are known as Data Controllers.

As a Data Controller, Carmarthenshire County County Council is committed to complying with the legislation by applying the Data Protection Principles across all its services.

Please refer to our Privacy Notice for more details about how we use your information.

Accessing your personal information

Making a Request

Closed Circuit Television CCTV

Social Care clients (this includes former clients)

Freedom of Information Act 2000


Further information

For further details on your rights under the Data Protection Act, the Information Commissioner’s Office website contains a large amount of informative guidance.

Useful Documents 

Page last updated on 24/5/2013