Priority Areas

We admit it: Saving the environment sounds daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. To make conservation achievable, we have to set clear priorities. And we're doing that by taking three proven approaches to making our planet healthy.


Science leads the way at Conservation International. Using cutting-edge methods, we pinpoint specific regions overflowing with biological value where people, plants, and animals are desperately in need of conservation action. We focus on places where each dollar we spend will do the most good.

That makes us efficient and effective. That’s how we’re able to work across enormous areas, conserve entire ecosystems, and link our efforts together one piece at a time.

We know 90 percent of life on Earth lives in 34 hotspots: the world’s most biologically rich but most threatened places. We are working to preserve them.
The world’s vast, healthy wilderness areas show the resilience of nature. Our work ensures they continue to endure.
From the mountains to the plains to the coasts, our health depends on the health of our oceans and seas.
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