Муниципальное образование "Анивский городской округ " 

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Our area
 • Анива historical
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 • Economy
 • The Savings Bank of Russia. Crediting
 • The budget of municipal formation(education)
 • Photo-video an album
 • The charter of municipal formation(education)
 • Symbolics
 • Heads of administration
 • Committees and departments
 • Decisions and orders
 • The telephone directory
 • The plan of work of administration
 • The rules
 • The information on personnel maintenance
 • Reports
 • Reports
 • Register НПА
 • Competitions
Assembly of Deputies
 • Deputies of regional Assembly
 • Decisions of Assembly
Committee on management of municipal property
 • The real estate
 • Forms
 • Heads
 • Actions
 • The information on objects of real estate
 • Rent for the ground areas
Economy and business
 • Branches of economy
 • Competitions
 • Condition of the consumer market
 • Agriculture
 • Prospects of development of municipal formation(education)
 • Small and сраднее business
 • The agreement on the minimal wages in the Sakhalin area for 2012
Work and labour safety
 •  the AGREEMENT between administration Anivskogo of city district, the trade-union organizations, employers and businessmen of municipal formation(education) " Анивский city district " on 2012-2014
 • Обявления
 • Programs
Culture and Tourism
 • Libraries
 • Actions
 • Plan of measures on РДК. Анива
 • Establishments
 • The poster
 • Libraries
Finance administration
 • The arch of registers of account obligations
 • Постановления
Department of a youth policy(politics)
 • Position about a department
 • the PLAN of WORK of the DEPARTMENT on months
 • Competitions
 • Actions
 • Programs
 • The concept
 • The information on the organization of additional formation(education) of a sports orientation
 • The information on sports objects
 • The information in sphere of a youth policy(politics)
Management ЖК and ДХ
 • Documents
 • Managing companies
 • Жищно-municipal
 • Road activity
 • Municipal state establishments
Department of architecture and town-planning activity
 • Documents
 • Services in sphere of town-planning activity
 •  The ground areas
Department of formation(education)
 • Documents
 • Position about a department
 • Actions
 • Municipal educational establishments
 • Trusteeship and guardianship
 • The organization of summer holiday of trainees
 • Employment of minors
 • Services of Municipal educational establishments
 • Statement on the account in ДОУ
Anticorruption activity
 • Documents
 • Public anticorruption examination of normative legal certificates(acts)
 • To inform about the fact of corruption
 • Нормативно-legal certificates(acts)
 • Projects НПА
 • Reports
 • Reports on incomes муниципалбных employees
Antiterrorist деятельнсть
 • Programs
 • The decision of the commission on counteraction to terrorism and extremism
The commission on affairs of minors
 • Documents
 • Actions
The administrative commission
 • Work of the administrative commission
 • Decisions of the commission
The antinarcotic commission
 • The commission
 • The plan of work of the commission
 • The decision of the commission
 • The program
Social policy(politics)
 • Social support of citizens of municipal formation(education) " Анивский city district " on 2011 - 2013
 • The municipal target Program " Maintenance of the accessible environment of ability to live for 2012-2014 years "
 • Actions
 • Оциальные projects
 • НПА

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   In view of morphology
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The enterprises
The goods and services
Offers on investment
Applications for attraction of investments

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The counter of visitings
Calendar of events

August, 1
Day of rear of armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Day of the collector

August, 2
Day of air - landing armies of the Russian Federation

August, 3
Day of the railwayman

6 агуста
The international day " Doctors of the world for the world "

Day of railway armies of the Russian Federation

August, 9
The world day of radical nations of the world

Day of military glory of Russia

Day of the athlete

August, 10
Day of the builder

August, 12
Day of military - air forces of the Russian Federation

August, 13
The world day of lefthanders

August, 17
Day of air fleet of Russia

August, 22
Day of the national Flag of the Russian Federation

August, 23
Day of military glory of Russia

August, 24
Day of Baikal

August, 27
Day of the Russian cinema

August, 30
Day of aircraft

August, 31
Day of the miner

Activity of structural divisions
 • The schedule of movement of transport
Контрольно-accounting chamber
 • Position КСП
 • Officials КСП Анивского of city district
 • The diagram of reception of citizens in Контрольно-accounting chamber
 • The information for 2010
Department on management of Ogon'kovskim district
 • The general(common) data on the Department
 • the DIAGRAM of export of household dust from an available housing with. Огоньки
 • Actions
Department ГО and ЧС
Pension fund of the Russian Federation
 • The program of increase of pension and social literacy of the population
МБУ " Archive Anivskogo of city district "
 • The information for the population
 • The information about предоставлинии services
Work with the population
 • The diagram of reception of citizens on personal questions
 • Grants
 • The diagram of reception of citizens on personal questions heads МО " Анивский city district " " in January, 2010 "
 • The information for the population
 • References(manipulations) of citizens
 • The order of the appeal
Administrative reform
 • Decisions and orders
 • The centre of public access
 • Administrative reform
The enterprises and the organizations
 • The organizations
 • Establishments
 • Forum
Municipal services
 • The federal legislation
 • Independent expert appraisal of administrative rules
 • Normative base
 • Administrative rules
 • The information for the population
 • The municipal services given in an electronic kind
 • Monitoring of quality of granting of service
 • The list of services of subordinated establishments
The government of the Sakhalin area
 • Administration of the Sakhalin area
 • Sakhalin regional Duma
 • УФНС on the Sakhalin area
 • Управление Роснедвижимости по Сахалинской области
 • Department of social protection of the population of the Sakhalin area
 • Management of a youth policy(politics) of the Sakhalin area
 • Management of Federal registration service on the Sakhalin area
 • Official Internet - sites of institutions of local government of the Sakhalin area
Our address
g. Aniva, ul. Kalinina, d. 57
Ph.: (42441) 5-13-28
Fax: (42441) 5-13-28
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