Enhancing Australia's Economic Prosperity
Resources Energy Tourism Department


The Australian Government is committed to creating a policy framework to expand Australia's resource base, increase the international competitiveness of our resources sector and improve the regulatory regime, consistent with the principles of environmental responsibility and sustainable development.
Upstream Petroleum

What is upstream petroleum?

The upstream petroleum sector encompasses all the petroleum extraction activities (including exploration, development and processing) preceding the shipment of stabilised crude oil, condensate or sales gas (including liquefied natural gas (LNG)).

How is government supporting upstream petroleum activity in Australia?

In Australia, upstream petroleum activities occur both onshore and offshore. Responsibility for Australia’s offshore areas beyond three nautical miles from the territorial sea baseline rests with the Australian Government.

Responsibility for onshore petroleum operations and as far as three nautical miles seaward of the baseline (referred to as ‘coastal waters’), is the responsibility of the state and territory governments.

How is RET involved?

The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism provides the Australian Government with high-quality upstream petroleum-related policy advice and in cooperation with the states and territories, is the regulator of offshore petroleum activities.

How is NOPTA involved?

From 1 January 2012, the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) will be responsible for Titles Administration.  For more information on NOPTA, please visit the National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator webpage.

Page Last Updated: 30/11/2011 10:11 AM