Enhancing Australia's Economic Prosperity
Resources Energy Tourism Department


The Australian Government is committed to creating a policy framework to expand Australia's resource base, increase the international competitiveness of our resources sector and improve the regulatory regime, consistent with the principles of environmental responsibility and sustainable development.
Enhancing Australia's resources sector

About Australia's resources sector

Australia's economic arrangements are among the more competitive resources taxation regimes applied worldwide. They are aimed at encouraging production while providing an adequate return to the Australian community.

The Australian Government is focused on providing an investment environment that is internationally competitive and provides a high degree of investor certainty.

  • The Australian Energy Resource Assessment
    The Australian Energy Resource Assessment examines identified and potential energy resources and considers the factors likely to influence Australia's energy future in a low-carbon economy to 2030.

  • Bilateral minerals and energy cooperation
    On behalf of the Australian Government, the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism is responsible for regular bilateral minerals and energy consultations with Australia's major trading partners and other stakeholders.

  • Resources taxation
    In Australia, the Commonwealth and state and territory governments impose charges on minerals extraction and petroleum production to ensure that the community receives a benefit from their development.

Page Last Updated: 14/08/2012 9:51 AM