Enhancing Australia's Economic Prosperity
Resources Energy Tourism Department


The Australian Government is committed to creating a policy framework to expand Australia's resource base, increase the international competitiveness of our resources sector and improve the regulatory regime, consistent with the principles of environmental responsibility and sustainable development.
Guidance Notes for Applicants


With the passage through Parliament of the Offshore Petroleum (Greenhouse Gas) Amendment Act 2008 in November 2008 the Offshore Petroleum Act 2006 was renamed the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006. This Act provides a legal framework for the injection and storage of greenhouse gases in geological formations under Australia’s offshore waters.

The Act provides for a system of access and property rights for exploring for and using storage sites. The first step in the process of providing these access and property rights is by way of releasing acreage for exploration which can then be bid for by applicants. These guidance notes have been developed for the initial release of acreage for exploration for greenhouse gas storage sites (storage formations).

These notes set out information for applicants on what is required in bid applications, the bid closing dates, application lodgement details, the selection criteria that will be used in assessing applications, permit conditions and administration that apply once a permit has been granted, special notices outlining the rights and interests of other parties in the release areas and 'quicklook maps' of the release areas.

The Special Notices section will also serve as an ongoing reference for successful applicants for the release areas as they progress towards meeting work obligations.

These notes have been prepared by the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Legislation Section, Low Emissions Coal and CO2 Storage Branch in the Australian Government Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, in consultation with other Australian Government agencies and the resources departments in the States and the Northern Territory.

Download the Guidance Notes [PDF, 950kb]

Page Last Updated: 1/02/2011 11:05 AM