Make your 60 Second elevator pitch count for business networking in Berkshire with our One Minute Masterclass

One Minute Masterclass - make your networking 60 seconds count!

Make your 60 seconds count for business networking in Berkshire with our One Minute Masterclass

If you want to get the most from business networking you need to perfect your elevator pitch, normally 60 seconds, but sometimes more and sometimes even less and whether you are an experienced business networker or about to start your business networking adventure, we can help you

Here at Morgan PR we are veteran networkers, often attending at least two or more business networking events in Newbury, West Berkshire and throughout the Thames Valley. We see many good one minute elevator pitches, some truly awful and most are indifferent - however, there are also some truly exceptional one minutes too.

We can tell you right now how to deliver the perfect 60 seconds and it will take less than that to give you the basics.

Before we do, be sure that when you go networking you frame everything you say in the positive. Speak of others as you would like to hear yourself talked about - those listening will be projecting your words on to themselves and the people they know who they might refer.

Shall we begin?

  1. Don't use notes. Honestly, you don't need them and you don't want other business networkers thinking you do!
  2. Smile - it will help you relax, the networkers in the room will smile back and you will feel confidence flowing through you just as you are ready to impress.
  3. Say your name, your business name and preferably your snappy and memorable tagline.
  4. Explain what you do in no more than a sentence or two. Focus on your niche and avoid shopping lists - it turns people off in a heartbeat.
  5. Give an example of how what you explained in point 4 has helped someone.
  6. Tell them how they can help you, again with relevance to points 4 and 5.
  7. Wrap it up with your name, your business name and that tagline.

Remember the most important rule is DON'T SELL! This is about building relationships and business networking works for the people who invest in relationships and relationships take time and effort.

Besides, you should know that it is never about the people in the room, but who they know. If anyone in the room buys - that's a bonus!

Why not talk to Morgan PR today, it will take us less than 60 seconds to explain how we can increase your business networking productivity through our One Minute Masterclass.