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The Erister Egg Hunt is an annual Golden Apple Seed Mission. The object of the game is to put crazy crap inside of plastic eggs and hide them for people to find on Easter.

When somebody finds an egg, maybe they'll laugh. Maybe they'll be weirded out. Maybe they'll have a conversation about it later. Maybe they'll hide some eggs too.

Sure, it's not exactly a new idea, per se. People have been hiding plastic eggs on Easter since the Triassic era. But instead of candy, fnords. Put stuff inside the eggs which you think it would be cool to find. What you put inside the eggs is really up to you. To get you started, here are some suggestions:

  • cool pictures
  • One Line Meme Bombs - compiled by Triple Zero
  • Materials from POSTERGASM
  • quotes or images from the Principia Discordia
  • quotes from wherever
  • weird facts
  • your own political agenda
  • an absurd political agenda
  • a surreal political agenda
  • money
  • secrets
  • your phone number
  • bathroom-graffiti style messages
  • fortunes
  • poems
  • stuff which might briefly shake the average pedestrian out of robot-mode
  • whatever you think is cool. Think For Yourself, Shmuck!

There is an EggGASM cover page and some posters available to put up in the area where you're hiding eggs. Formatted in PDF for quick distribution in meatspace.

If you take any pictures, upload them to Flickr and tag them "egggasm". (with three G's!)

If you create any .docs, .pdfs, or lists of stuff to put in eggs, post it to with the tag "egggasm", so it shows up on the OMGASM Mission Feed.

What's the Point?

Everyone gets to make up their own motivation for participating in EggGASM. If you can't be arsed to come up with your own, here are some suggestions:

  • for fun
  • to let you be the snickering little imp who is behind-the-scenes when someone finds something cool. Everybody likes to find treasure.
  • The right meme at the right time can set into effect a cascade of thoughts, actions, and perhaps a minor hack in a local part of The Machine.
  • to introduce the surreal into pedestrial reality.
  • some sort of prank
  • to get outside and get some fresh air
  • because it's time to stop doing whatever it is you're doing which is Low Quality [1]. Easter is symbolic of rebirth, and and EggGASM (a type of sacrifice, mind you) will help you be reborn in some hilarious way. See also: The Good Word

If you don't like any of those, you can make up your own agenda.

image: egg3.jpgimage: egg2.jpg

image: egg8.jpgimage: egg5.jpg

image: egg6.jpgimage: egg7.jpg


The nature of Easter has changed over the past few decades in America. In the 1950s and 1960s, communities would elicit volunteers who would hide dyed hardboiled chicken eggs in public parks. Meanwhile, parents all across America hid colored hardboiled eggs in their backyards. These eggs supposedly were laid by the Easter Bunny (remember, in those days children also believed a stork brought babies). Children would then delight in trying to find as many of the colored eggs as possible. No one knew why, as most of those children weren't too keen on eating a bunch of hardboiled underdeveloped chicken embryos. Besides, many of those eggs had cracked shells, and were often covered with dirt, ants and dog pee. Great stuff for kids, huh?

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, things changed. Some Christian groups started calling the holiday "Resurrection Sunday" instead of Easter. This is because they finally learned that Easter, or Ostara, is a pagan goddess. So now these groups have renamed the holiday after the pagan sun god.

An increasing concern for what children were eating led to another change. It became more popular to hide colored plastic eggs that had stuff in them kids really wanted to eat. This drive for proper nutrition meant that, instead of encouraging the kids to eat protein-rich eggs, they would instead fill up on fat- and sugar-laden candy.

But now Discordians want to take the whole putting-things-in-plastic-eggs tradition to a whole new level...

The EGGGasm idea was sparked by a post from from Pinky McFatfat, ASS. And then the Evil Wizard Cramulus picked it up and ran with it, making it a part of OMGASM. The Mythics of Harmonia also helped spread the word (and wrote the bit above about Easter), calling this project the Erister Egg Hunt, a name which many feel tells the story a bit better than "EggGASM".

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