History and chronology of Germany

History of Germany

Chronology of Germany

 Angevin War
 Anglo-Dutch Wars, 2nd
 Anglo-Dutch Wars, 3rd
 Austrian Succession War
 Austria-Prussia War
 Austria-Turkey War
 Baader-Meinhof Group
 Balkan Wars, 3rd
 Bavarian Succession
 Boer War
 Bohemian War, 2nd
 Boxer Rebellion War
 Catholic Centre Party
 Centre Party
 Christian Democratic Union
 Civil War
 Classical Music
 Communist Committees
 Communist League
 Communist Party
 Denmark-Prussia War
 Empire-Byzantium War
 Empire-France War
 Empire-Italy War
 Empire-Papacy War
 Empire-Rome War
 Empire-Turkey War
 England-France War
 English Succession War
 Evangelical Church
 Exploration & Discovery
 France-Empire War
 Franco-Prussian War
 German Confederation
 German Liberal Party
 German National Party
 German Workers Party
 Germany-China War
 Germany-Czech Rep War
 Germany-Hungary War
 Germany-Italy War
 Germany-Lombardy War
 Germany-Lorraine War
 Germany-Magyars War
 Germany-Poland War
 Great Northern War
 Holy Crusades, The 3rd
 Holy Crusades, The 6th
 House of Babenberg
 House of Bavaria
 House of Bismarck-Sch”nhausen
 House of Bismarck-Schonhausen
 House of Brandenburg
 House of Brunswick
 House of Carolingian
 House of Dukes of Prussia
 House of Franconia
 House of Germany-Magyars
 House of Habsburg
 House of Hanover
 House of Hohenstaufen
 House of Hohenzollern
 House of Luitpolding
 House of Luxembourg
 House of Orange
 House of Palatinate
 House of Salian House
 House of Saxony
 House of Silesian War, 2n
 House of Supplinburg
 House of Visigoths
 House of Wallenstein
 House of Wettin
 House of Wittelsbach
 Hundred Years War
 Independent Social Democratic Party
 International, 1st
 International Socialist Congress
 Italian Wars
 Italy-Empire War
 League of Nations
 Liberal Party
 Liberal Union
 Lombard Campaign, 2nd
 Lombard Campaign, 3rd
 Magyar Invasions
 Napoleonic Wars
 National Democratic Party of Germany
 National Liberal Party
 Nazionale Falange
 Northern War, The 2nd
 Nuclear Warfare
 Order of Teutons
 Poland-Empire War
 Poland-Teuton War
 Polish Partition, 1st
 Polish Succession
 Progressive Party
 Protestant Church
 Prussia-France War
 Prussia-Sweden War
 Red Army Faction
 Reich, 1st
 Reich, 2nd
 Roman Catholic Church
 Rome-Empire War
 Rome-Hun War
 Russia-Turkey War
 Schleswig-Holstein War
 Seven Weeks War
 Seven Years War
 Silesian War, 1st
 Silesian War, 2nd
 Social Democratic Party
 Social Democratic Workers' Party
 Social Democrats
 Socialist Unity Party
 Social Science
 Spanish Succession War
 Tennis of Germany
 Thirty Years War
 Thule Society
 Trade & Industry
 Trades Unions
 United Nations
 Viking Invasions
 Volkischer Block
 Weimar Republic
 World Council of Germany
 World Union for Progressive Judaism
 World War, 1st
 World War, 2nd
 World War, 2nd
 Abbado Claudio
 Abeken Heinrich
 Abetz Otto
 Ackerman Anton
 Adenauer Konrad
 Adolf of Nassa
 Agnes of Poitou
 Albert Frederick
 Albert I
 Albert II
 Albert III Achilles
 Albert I the Bear
 Albert of Hohenzollern
 Albert the Bold
 Albrecht Susanne
 Altenburg Dietrich von
 Amann Max
 Amman Max
 Andreas Moritz
 Arco-Valley Graf Anton von
 Arentschildt Alexander von
 Arnim-Boitzenburg Adolf Heinrich von
 Arnim-Boitzenburg Georg Dietlof von
 Arnim Friedrich Wilhelm von
 Arnim Hans-Jrgen von
 Arnim Hans-Jurgen
 Arnim Ludwig Achim von
 Arnulf I
 Asdonk Brigitte
 Auerswald Rudolf Ludwig C„sar von
 Augstein Rudolf
 Augustus William
 Baader Andraes
 Baade Wilhelm Heinrich Walter
 Bach Johann Sebastian
 Baden Max von
 Baeck Leo
 Ball Hugo
 Ballin Albert
 Bamberger Ludwig
 Barbie Klaus
 Barkhausen Heinrich
 Barth Karl
 Barz Ingeborg
 Bauer Gustav
 Baumann Bommi
 Bauriedi Andreas
 B„cker Hans-Jrgen
 Bebel August
 Becker Boris
 Beck Fritz
 Beck Ludwig
 Beelitz Irwin
 Beethoven Ludwig van
 Behring Emil von
 Below Otto von
 Benedict V
 Bennigsen Rudolf von
 Benz Karl
 Berberich Monika
 Berchtold Joseph
 Berger Gottlob
 Bergman-Pohl Sabine
 Bernstein Eduard
 Beseler Hans von
 Best Werner
 Bethmann Hollweg Theobald von
 Bethmann Hollweg Theobold von
 Beyme Karl Friedrich von
 Bildt Carl
 Bismarck-Schonhausen Otto Furst von
 Blaskowitz Johannes von
 Blobel Gunter
 Blomberg Werner von
 Blucher Gebhard Leberecht von
 Blumenthal Ludwig von
 Blumentritt Guenther
 Bock Fedor von
 Boese Carl
 Boll Heinrich Theodor
 Bolz Lothar
 Bonhoeffer Dietrich
 Bonin Eduard von
 Boorman Martin
 Bormann Martin
 Born Max
 Brahms Johannes
 Brandenberger Hasso von
 Brandenburg Friedrich Wilhelm von
 Brandt Heinz
 Brandt Karl
 Brandt Willy
 Brauchitsch Walter von
 Brauchitsch Walther von
 Brauer Bruno
 Braun Eva
 Braun Gretl
 Braun Otto
 Braun Werner von
 Brecht Bertolt
 Bredow Ferdinand von
 Brockdorff-Ahlefeldt Walter Graf von
 Brockdorff-Rantzau Ulrich Graf von
 Bruch Max
 Bruchmuller Georg
 Bruck Clemens von de
 Bruening Heinrich
 Buback Siegfried
 Buber Martin
 Bucher Adolf Lothar
 Bulow Bernhard Heinrich Martin
 Bulow Friedrich Wilhelm
 Bulow Marshal Karl von
 Busch Ernst
 Bussche Axel von dem
 Butenandt Adolf Friedrich Johann
 Buttman Rudolf
 Camphausen Gottfried Ludolf Camphausen
 Canaris Wilhelm Franz
 Caprivi Georg Leo von
 Carnap Rudolf
 Carstens Karl
 Charles Anthony
 Charles I
 Charles IV
 Charles IV of Luxembourg
 Charles Theodore
 Charles VI
 Charles VII
 Cholitz Dietrich von
 Choltiz Dietrich von
 Civilis Gaius Julius
 Clausewitz Karl von
 Clausius Rudolf Julius Emanuel
 Clement II
 Clement III
 Cohn Julius Ferdinand
 Conrad I
 Conrad II
 Conrad III
 Conrad IV
 Conrad V
 Crowell Ludwig
 Cuno Wilhelm Carl Josef
 Cyrankiewicz Josef
 Dahrendorf Ralf Gustav
 Daimler Gottlieb
 Daubler Theodor
 Derfflinger Georg von
 Dertinger Georg
 Deveraux Walter
 Dieckmann Johannes
 Dietl Eduard
 Dietrich Josef
 Dietrich Sepp
 Dingfelder Johannes
 Dinter Artur
 Ditzen Rudolf
 Dix Otto
 Doenitz Karl
 Dohna-Schlobitten Karl Friedrich Ferdinand Alexander
 Dornberger Walter
 Drexler Anton
 Ebert Friedrich
 Eckart Dietrich
 Ecken Carl von
 Eglhofer Rudolf
 Ehrlich Paul
 Eichmann Adolf
 Eicke Theodor
 Eike Theodore
 Einstein Albert
 Eisner Kurt
 Eitel Frederick
 Elizabeth Christine
 Elizabeth of Pomerania
 Elser Georg
 Eltz-Ruhenach Paul Freiherr von
 Endrigkeit Christine
 Engels Friedrich
 Ensslin Gudrun
 Eppelmann Rainer
 Epp Franz Ritter von
 Erhard Ludwig
 Ernst Karl
 Erzberger Mathias
 Erzberger Matthias
 Esser Herman
 Esslin Gudrun
 Eucken Rudolf
 Eugene of Savoy
 Euric I
 Euric II
 Fahrmbacher Wilhelm
 Falk Adalbert
 Falkenhausen Ludwig von
 Falkenhayn Eric von
 Falkenhorst Nikolaus von
 Falley Wilhelm
 Fassbinder Rainer Werner Maria
 Feder Gottfried
 Fegelein Hermann
 Fehrenbach Konstantin
 Felber Hans-Gustav
 Fellgiebel Erich
 Ferdinand I
 Ferdinand II
 Ferdinand of Brunswick
 Feuchtinger Edgar
 Filchner Wilhelm
 Finckenstein Karl-Wilhelm Finck von
 Fischer Emil Herman
 Fischer Hans
 Fischer Oskar
 Flegel Erna
 Forckenbeck Maximilian Franz August von
 Fouque Friedrich Heinrich Karl de la
 Francis II
 Francois Hermann von
 Frank Hans
 Frederick Augustus I
 Frederick Augustus II
 Frederick Augustus III
 Frederick Charles
 Frederick Christian
 Frederick I
 Frederick I Barbarossa
 Frederick II
 Frederick III
 Frederick III the Wise
 Frederick II the Great
 Frederick the Fat
 Frederick V
 Frederick William
 Frederick William I
 Frederick William II
 Frederick William III
 Frederick William IV
 Freisler Roland
 Frick Wilhelm
 Friedrich Josias
 Friedrich Karl
 Friessner Johannes
 Fritsch Theodor
 Fritsch Werner Freiherr
 Fritsch Werner von
 Fritzsche Hans
 Frobel Friedrich
 Fromm Friedrich
 Fuchs Klaus
 Funk Walther
 Gadamer Hans-Georg
 Gagern Heinrich Wilhelm August Freiherr von
 Gallas Matthias
 Gallwitz Max Karl von
 Gallwitz Max von
 Gempp Friedrich
 George the Bearded
 George the Rich
 George William
 Gerlach Ludwig von
 Gerlach Manfred
 Gerlich Fritz
 Gerth Daniel
 Giesler Paul
 Gisevius Hans
 Goebbels Paul Joseph
 Goeben August Karl von
 Goergens Irene
 Goering Herman
 Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
 Gortz Georg Heinrich von
 Graf Steffi
 Graf Stefi
 Grashof Manfred
 Grass Gunter
 Greim Robert Ritter von
 Grimm Hans
 Grimminger Jakob
 Grimm Jakob
 Groener Karl Eduard Wilhelm
 Groener Wihelm
 Gropius Walter
 Grotewohl Otto
 Gruber Franz
 GrubeR Kurt
 Gruhn Eva
 Grumbkow Friedrich Wilhelm von
 Grundmann Wolfgang
 Grusdat Eric
 Guderain Heinz
 Guderian Heinz
 Gunther Hans
 Gurtner Franz
 Gutzkow Karl Ferdinand
 Gysi Gregor
 Haase Hugo
 Habicht Theodor August Otto Wilhelm
 Hacha Emil
 Haeften Werner von
 Haffner Sebastian
 Hahnke Karl
 Halder Franz von
 Hamberger George Erhard
 Handel George Frederick
 Hanke Karl
 Hansen Christian
 Hardenberg Karl August von
 Hardenberg Karl August von Hardenberg
 Harrer Karl
 Hartlieb Hans von
 Haser Paul von
 Hasselbach Hanskarl von
 Haugwitz Christian Heinrich Kurt von
 Hauptman Gerhart
 Hausner Siegfried
 Heeringen Josias von
 Hegel Friedrich
 Hegel Georg
 Heidegger Martin
 Heiden Erhard
 Heim Ferdinand
 Heinemann Gustav
 Heines Edmund
 Heines Oskar
 Heinitz Friedrich Anton von Heinitz
 Heinkel Ernst
 Heinrich Albert Wilhelm
 Heinrich Wihelm Adelbert
 Heinrici Gotthard
 Heisenberg Werner
 Heiser Robert
 Heitz Walther
 Heldorf Wolf Heinrich Graf von
 Helfferich Karl
 Helmholtz Hermann von
 Henlein Konrad
 Hennings Joachim
 Henry I
 Henry II
 Henry III
 Henry III the Black
 Henry I of Swabia
 Henry I the Fowler
 Henry IV
 Henry of Hohenstaufen
 Henry the Pious
 Henry the Quarelsome
 Henry V
 Henry VI
 Henry VII
 Henry XIII
 Henry XIV the Elder
 Henry XVI the Rich
 Henry XV the Natternberger
 Hermann Hoth
 Herman of Salm
 Herold Horst
 Hertling Georg von
 Herzog Marianne
 Herzog Roman
 Hess Rudolph
 Heusinger Adolf
 Heuss Theodore
 Heydebreck Hans Peter von
 Heydrich Reinhard Tristan Eugen
 Heyse Paul von
 H”fl Hugo
 Hierl Konstantin
 Hilferding Rudolf
 Hillegaart Heinz
 Himmler Heinrich
 Hindenburg Paul Ludwig Hans von
 Hindenburg Paul von
 Hipper Franz von
 Hitler Adolf
 Hitler Alois
 Hitler Klara
 Hoess Rudolf Franz Ferdinand
 Hoffman Heinrich
 Hoffman Maximilian
 Hoffmann Heinz
 Hohberg und Buchwald Anton Freiherr von
 Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen Adolf of
 Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen Friedrich Ludwig Furst zu
 Hohenlohe-Langenburg Hermann Fusrst zu
 Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen Karl Anton of
 Holbein Hans
 Holdorf Willi
 Holstein Friedrich von
 Holz Arno
 Honecker Erich
 Hormayr Joseph von
 Hossbach Friedrich
 Hoth Herman
 Hube Hans
 Hube Hans-Valentin
 Huber Hans
 Hugenberg Alfred
 Hugenburg Alfred
 Hulsmeyer Christian
 Hupfauer Theo
 Husserl Edmund Gustav Albrecht
 Hutier Oskar von
 Ihle Abraham
 Ilgen Heinrich Rdiger von
 Jager Heinz
 Jansen Ali
 Jerne Niels
 Joachim Frederick
 Joachim I
 Joachim II
 Jobst of Moravia
 Jodl Alfred
 Jogiches Leo
 John Cicero
 John George
 John George I
 John George II
 John George III
 John George IV
 John III
 John I the Child
 John Sigismund
 John the Constant
 John XII
 John XIII
 Junck Werner
 Jung Edgar
 Jung Edgar Julius
 Junge Traudl
 Kahr Gustav Ritter von
 Kaltenbrunner Ernst
 Kammler Hans
 Kant Immanuel
 Kapp Wolfgang
 Karl I
 Karl II
 Karl Wihelm
 Karl Wilhelm
 Karl Wilhelm of Brunswick
 Kastner Erich
 Kautsky Karl
 Keim August
 Keitel Wilhelm
 Kepler Johannes
 Kesselring Albrecht
 Ketteler Clemens von
 Kiesinger Kurt Georg
 Klar Christian
 Klausener Erich
 Kleist Paul Ludwig Ewald von
 Kluck Aleexander von
 Kluck Alexander von
 Kluge Guenther Hans von
 Kluge Hans Gunther von
 Knilling Eugen von
 Kohler Georges Jean Franz
 Kohl Helmut
 Korten Gunther
 Kramer Joseph
 Krebs Hans
 Krenz Egon
 Krosigk Lutz Graf Schwerin von
 Kuechler Georg von
 Kuhlmann Richard von
 Kuhlman Richard von
 Kullman Heinz
 Kullmann Eduard
 Kunzelmann Dieter
 Kutschera Franz
 Landauer Gustav
 Lang Fritz
 Langhans Rainer
 Langkeit Willi
 Langsdorf Hans
 Laue Max Theodore Felix von
 Leeb Wilhelm Ritter von
 Lee Emil
 Lehwald Hans von
 Lenard Philip
 Leopold William
 Levine Eugen
 Levi Paul
 Ley Robert
 Liebehenschel Arthur
 Liebeneiner Wolfgang
 Liebknecht Karl
 Liebknecht Wilhelm
 Liegen Carl
 Lindbergh Charles
 Lindemann Georg
 List Friedrich
 List Siegmund Wilhelm von
 List Wilhelm
 List Wilhelm von
 Lohr Alexnder
 Lorenz Peter
 Lossow Otto Herman von
 Lossow Otto von
 Lothair I
 Lothair II of Saxony
 Louis I
 Louis II
 Louis III
 Louis II the Severe
 Louis I the Bavarian
 Louis I the Kelheimer
 Louis I the Pious
 Louis IV
 Louis IV of Bavaria
 Louis IX the Rich
 Louis the Child
 Louis the German
 Louis VI the Roman
 Louis V the Brandenburger
 Lubitsch Ernst
 Lubke Heinrich
 Luck Hans von
 Ludendorf Erich von
 Ludwig I
 Ludwig II
 Ludwig III
 Luther Hans
 Luther Martin
 Lutze Viktor
 Luxemburg Rosa
 Mackensen August von
 Mackensen Eberhard von
 Mahler Gustav
 Mahler Horst
 Maiziere Lothar de
 MaiziŠre Thomas de
 Mann Thomas
 Mansfeld Ernst von
 Manstein Fritz Erich von
 Manteuffel Hasso von
 Manteuffel Otto Theodor von
 Manteuffel Otto von
 March Werner
 Marcks Erich
 Marcuse Herbert
 Marggraf Andreas Sigismund
 Martin Hanns
 Marwitz Georg von der
 Marx Karl Heinrich
 Marx Wihelm
 Maximilian Franz
 Maximilian I
 Maximilian II
 Maximilian II Joseph
 Maximilian I Joseph
 Maximilian Joseph I
 Maximilian of Baden
 Maxwell James Clerk
 Meckel Markus
 Meinhof Ulrike Marie
 Meins Holger
 Meisinger Josef
 Melanchthon Philip
 Mengele Josef
 Menges Otto Wilhelm von
 Mercator Gerhardus
 Merkel Angela Dorothea
 Messerschmitt Willy
 Meyerbeer Giacomo
 Meyer Kurt
 Michaelis Georg
 Michelsen Andreas
 Milch Erhard
 Milstein Cesar
 Minkowski Hermann
 Mirbach Andreas von
 Misch Rochus
 M”ller Irmgard
 Mntefering Franz
 Model Otto Moritz Walter
 Modrow Hans
 Moeller Irmgard
 Mohnhaupt Brigitte
 Mommsen Theodor
 Montgomery Erwin Johannes Eugen
 Morell Theo
 Mueller Alfred
 Mueller Herman
 Muhsfeldt Erich
 Muller Freidrich-Wihelm
 Muller Heinrich
 Muller Hermann
 Muller Ludwig
 Munzer Thomas
 Murnau Friedrich Wilhelm
 Mussolini Benito Amilicare Andrea
 Nadolny Rudolf
 Naumann Friedrich
 Neefe Christian Gottlob
 Nehring Walter Kurt Josef
 Neumann Franz
 Neurath Constantin Freiher von
 Neurath Konstantin von
 Niemoller Frederich Gustav Emil Martin
 Niemoller Martin
 Noske Gustav
 Oberth Hermann
 Ohm Georg Simon
 Olbricht Friedrich
 Olbricht Friedrich von
 Oster Hans
 Otto I
 Otto II
 Otto III
 Otto II the Illustrious
 Otto II the Noble
 Otto I the Great
 Otto IV
 Otto I von Wittlesbach
 Otto Nikolaus August
 Otto of Bamberg
 Otto of Freising
 Otto V
 Otto von Nordheim
 Pabst Georg Wilhelm
 Palitzsch Georg
 Pannwitz Helmuth von
 Papen Franz von
 Patzig Konrad
 Pauli Wolfgang
 Paulus Friedrich von
 Peltz Dietrich
 Pfordten Ludwig von der
 Pfuel Ernst von
 Pieck Wilhelm
 Planck Max Karl Ernst
 Plauen Reuss von
 Podewils Heinrich von Podewils
 Pohl Hermann
 Ponto Jrgen
 Preuss Hugo
 Prien Gunther
 Prittwitz Maximilian von
 Proll Thorwald
 Puttkamer Karl-Jesko von
 Quirnheim Albrecht Ritter Mertz von
 Rabenau Friedrich von
 Radowitz Joseph von
 Raeder Erich
 Rahn Rudolf
 Rantzau Josias von
 Raspe Jan-Carl
 Rathenau Emil
 Rathenau Ernst von
 Rathenau Walter
 Rath Ernst vom
 Raubal Geli
 Recared I
 Recared II
 Reichenau Walter von
 Reinhardt Geor-Hans
 Reitlinger Gerald
 Reuter Paul Julius
 Ribbentrop Joachim von
 Richter Charles
 Richter Wilhelm
 Richthofen Manfred von
 Richthofen Wolfram von
 Riefenstahl Leni
 Rohm Ernst
 Roll Carmen
 Rommel Erwin Johannes Eugen
 Rontgen Wilhelm Konrad von
 Roon Albrecht von
 Rosenberg Alfred
 Rosworm Johan
 Rudin Ernst
 Rudolf I
 Rudolf II
 Rudolf of Swabia
 Ruhland Karl-Heinz
 Ruhmkorff Heinrich Daniel
 Rundstedt Gerd von
 Rundstedt Karl Rudolf von
 Rupert of the Palatinate
 Rupert of the Rhine
 Rust Bernhard
 Sabinus Julius
 Sacher-Masoch Leopold von
 Sachs Nelly Leonie
 Sanders Otto Liman von
 Sanders Otto Victor Karl Liman von
 Sauckel Firitz
 Sauckel Fritz
 Sauerbronn Karl
 Schaal Ferdinand
 Schacht Hjalmar
 Schacht Horace Greeley Hjalmar
 Scheel Walter
 Scheer Reinhard
 Scheidemann Philip
 Scheidemann Phillip
 Scheiner Christophe
 Schelm Petra
 Schenck Ernst Gunther
 Schenk von Stauffenberg Claus
 Scherf Walter
 Schiffer Eugen
 Schiller Freidrich
 Schinkel Karl Friedrich
 Schirach Baldur von
 Schlageter Albert Leo
 Schleicher Kurt von
 Schleinitz Alexander von
 Schleintiz Alexander von
 Schleyer Hanns-Martin
 Schlieffen Alfred Graf von
 Schl”ndorff Volker
 Schmidt Arthur
 Schmidt Hans
 Schmidt Helmut
 Schmidt Helmut Heinrich Waldemar
 Schmitt Carl
 Schmitt Kurt
 Schmundt Rudolf
 Schoerner Ferdinand
 Scholtz-Klink Gertrude
 Scholze Ulrich
 Schoner Herbert
 Schreck Julius
 Sch”rner Ferdinand
 Schroder Gerhard
 Schroder Ludwig von
 Schubert Ingrid
 Sch„uble Wolfgang
 Schulenburg Friedrich Werner von der
 Schumacher Kurt
 Schuman Robert
 Schuschnigg Kurt von
 Schwabe Heinrich
 Schwabe Samuel Heinrich
 Schwantes Gunther
 Schwarzschild Karl
 Schweppenburg Leo Geyr von
 Schwerin Gerhard von
 Schwerin Kurt Christoph Graf von
 Sebattendorf Rudolf von
 Sebootendorf Rudolf Feiherr von
 Seeckt Hans von
 Seldte Franz
 Senefelder Aloys
 Senger und Etterlin Fridolin von
 Seydlitz Friederick Wihelm von
 Siemens Werner von
 Simons Walter
 Sinderman Horst
 Skladanowsky Emil
 Skladanowsky Max
 Skorzeny Otto
 Sodenstern Georg von
 Sohnlein Horst
 Sorel George
 Spee Maximilian Johannes Hubert von
 Speer Albert
 Speer Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert
 Speidel Hans
 Spengler Oswald
 Sperle Hugo
 Sperrie Hugo
 Sperrle Hugo
 Spinoza Benidict
 Spitzer Lyman
 Stachowiak Ilse "Tinny"
 Stassburg Gottfried von
 Staudte Wolfgang
 Stauffenberg Claus Schenk von
 Stauff Philipp
 Stein Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom
 Steinmeier Frank-Walter
 Steinmetz Karl Friedrich von
 Steinmetz Karl von
 Stempfle Bernhard
 Stephen I
 Stephen II
 Stieff Helmuth
 Stockhausen Karlheinz
 Stoph Willi
 Strasser Gregor
 Strasser Otto
 Strauss Franz Josef
 Streicher Julius
 Streseman Gustav
 Stressman Gustav
 Stuckart Wihelm
 Student Kurt
 Stumpfegger Ludwig
 Terboven Josef
 Teufel Fritz
 Thalman Ernst
 Theobald Bethmann Hollweg von
 Theodoric I
 Theodoric II
 Thile Hermann von
 Thile Ludwig Gustav von
 Th„lmann Ernst
 Tirpitz Alfred Friedrich von
 Todt Fritz
 Toller Ernst
 Trambauer Heinrich
 Trautman Bernhard Carl "Bert"
 Treitschke Heinrich von
 Tresckow Henning von
 Treviranus Gottfried
 Troost Paul Ludwig
 Trotta Margarethe von
 Ulbricht Walter
 Ulbricht Walther
 Ulex Wilhelm
 Vietinghoff Heinrich von
 Virchow Rudolf
 Vollmar Georg
 Voss Otto Karl Friedrich von
 Wackerle Hilmar
 Wagner Richard
 Waldersee Alfred Ludwig Heinrich Karl Graf von
 Wallenstein Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von
 Wankel Felix
 Wartenberg Johann Kasimir Kolbe von
 Weber Carl Maria von
 Weber William
 Wegener Paul
 Weichs Maximilian Reichsfreiherr von
 Weidling Helmuth
 Weidling Karl
 Weissbecker Tommy
 Weizsacker Ernst Freiherr von
 Wells Otto
 Wels Otto
 Wenders Wim
 Wessel Horst
 Wicki Bernhard
 Wiene Robert
 Wien Wihelm
 Wilhelm I
 Wilhelm II
 William George
 William I
 Windhorst Ludwig
 Winzer Otto
 Wirth Karl Joseph
 Wittman Michael
 Witzleben Erwin von
 Worner Manfred
 Wylich und Lottum Carl Friedrich Heinrich Graf von
 Zeitzler Kurt
 Zetkin Klara
 Ziegler Karl Waldemar
 Zieten Hans von
 Ziethen Hans von
 Zimmerman Ernst
 1st Daimler
 1st Nazi Party Day
 1st Transatlantic Flight
 25 Point Program
 2nd Army
 37th Reserve Corps
 3rd Army
 3rd Pomeranian Regiment
 5th Panzer Army
 7th Company
 95 Theses
 9th Army Corps
 Academy Award
 Afrika Korps
 Agadir Crisis
 Agreement of Olomouc
 Allied Armies
 Allied Control Commission
 Allied Reparations Committee
 Alpine Violets
 Army Group Africa
 Army Group A
 Army Group B
 Army Group Narva
 Army Group Vistula
 Army Staff-Officer
 Article 48
 Assault Leader
 Assistant Chief
 Assistant Signals Officer
 Atlantic Wall
 Ausserparlamentarische Opposition
 Austrian Legion
 Autumn Journey
 Baader-Meinhof Gang
 Baltic Fleet
 Baltic Sea Naval Station
 Barlow Palace
 Battle of Aachen
 Battle of Abbeville
 Battle of Aisne, 3rd
 Battle of Alamein, El
 Battle of Alam Halfa
 Battle of Albert, 1st
 Battle of Amiens
 Battle of Andernach
 Battle of Anzio
 Battle of Ardennes, The
 Battle of Argesul
 Battle of Arnhem
 Battle of Arras
 Battle of Atlantic
 Battle of Auerstadt
 Battle of Augsburg
 Battle of Augustov
 Battle of Austerlitz
 Battle of Avranches
 Battle of Bapaume
 Battle of Bardia
 Battle of Barents Sea
 Battle of Basrat
 Battle of Bastogne
 Battle of Bautzen
 Battle of Beaune-la-Rolande
 Battle of Belgrade
 Battle of Bellau Wood
 Battle of Benevento
 Battle of Benghazi
 Battle of Berlin
 Battle of Bir el Gobi
 Battle of Bir Hachem
 Battle of Birmingham
 Battle of Bleid
 Battle of Blennheim
 Battle of Bouvines
 Battle of Boyne, The
 Battle of Brabant
 Battle of Breitenfeld, 1st
 Battle of Britain
 Battle of Bulge
 Battle of Bulge, The
 Battle of Burkersdorf
 Battle of Cambrai
 Battle of Caporetto
 Battle of Chalgrove Field
 Battle of Chalons
 Battle of Chateau-Thie
 Battle of Chotusitz
 Battle of Convoy HX229
 Battle of Convoy ONS5
 Battle of Coronel
 Battle of Cortenuova
 Battle of Cortone
 Battle of Crefield
 Battle of Dennewitz
 Battle of Dessau Bridge
 Battle of Dessau
 Battle of Dogger Bank
 Battle of Dorchester
 Battle of Dornach
 Battle of Dunkirk
 Battle of Edgehill
 Battle of El Alamein
 Battle of Falaise Gap
 Battle of Falklands
 Battle of Farndon
 Battle of Fehrbellin
 Battle of Fontenay
 Battle of Four Days Battle
 Battle of France
 Battle of Gammelsdorf
 Battle of Gitschin
 Battle of Gitscin
 Battle of Gorlice
 Battle of Gorlitz
 Battle of Gravelotte
 Battle of Greece
 Battle of Gros Jagersdorf
 Battle of Gross Beeren
 Battle of Gross-Jagersdorf
 Battle of Gumbinnen
 Battle of Haelen
 Battle of Halfaya Pass
 Battle of Hastenbeck
 Battle of Haynau
 Battle of Hennersdorf
 Battle of Hermannstadt
 Battle of Hochkirk
 Battle of Hohen-Friedberg
 Battle of Hrtgen Forest
 Battle of Iconium
 Battle of Jankov
 Battle of Jena
 Battle of Jutland
 Battle of Kaiserslaute
 Battle of Kamenets-Podolsky Pocket
 Battle of Kasserine
 Battle of Katzbach
 Battle of Kharkov
 Battle of Kidney Ridge
 Battle of Kiev
 Battle of Klein Beeren
 Battle of Kolin
 Battle of Konigratz
 Battle of Korsun
 Battle of Krefeld
 Battle of Kunersdorf
 Battle of Kursk
 Battle of Landshut
 Battle of Langensalza
 Battle of Laon
 Battle of La Rothiere
 Battle of Lechfeld
 Battle of Leige
 Battle of Leipzig
 Battle of Le Mans
 Battle of Leuthen
 Battle of Lichfied
 Battle of Liege
 Battle of Liegnitz
 Battle of Ligny
 Battle of Lobositz
 Battle of Lodz
 Battle of Louvain
 Battle of Lowestoft
 Battle of Lucera
 Battle of Luckau
 Battle of Lutzen
 Battle of Lys
 Battle of Magdeburg
 Battle of Maginot Line
 Battle of Malplaquet
 Battle of Marne, 1st
 Battle of Marne, 2nd
 Battle of Mars-la-Tour
 Battle of Marston Moor
 Battle of Masurian Lakes
 Battle of Matz
 Battle of Maxen
 Battle of Mechili
 Battle of Megiddo
 Battle of Melegnano
 Battle of Menfo
 Battle of Meresburg
 Battle of Mersa Matruh
 Battle of Metz
 Battle of Minden
 Battle of Mockern
 Battle of Mollwitz
 Battle of Mons
 Battle of Montcornet
 Battle of Moreuil
 Battle of Morgarten
 Battle of Moys
 Battle of Muhldorf
 Battle of Mulhouse
 Battle of Munchengratz
 Battle of Nachod
 Battle of Naseby
 Battle of Neuville
 Battle of Newark
 Battle of Newbury
 Battle of Nordlingen
 Battle of North Foreland
 Battle of Novgorod
 Battle of Oder River
 Battle of Olmutz
 Battle of Orel
 Battle of Orleans
 Battle of Oudenaarde
 Battle of Pavlograd
 Battle of Peterwardein
 Battle of Pilsen
 Battle of Pirna
 Battle of Plowce
 Battle of Podol
 Battle of Polish Corridor
 Battle of Powick Bridge
 Battle of Prague
 Battle of Putna
 Battle of Quentin
 Battle of Ratkow
 Battle of Rechnitz
 Battle of Rezonville
 Battle of Rhineland
 Battle of Rhzev
 Battle of Riade
 Battle of Riga
 Battle of River Dy
 Battle of River Medway
 Battle of River Meuse
 Battle of River Plate
 Battle of Rossbach
 Battle of Rostov
 Battle of Ruhr
 Battle of Rzhev
 Battle of Sadowa
 Battle of Scapa Flow
 Battle of Schooneveldt Bank
 Battle of Sedan
 Battle of Sevastopol
 Battle of Sidi Bou Zid
 Battle of Sole Bay
 Battle of Somme, 1st
 Battle of Soor
 Battle of Spurs, The
 Battle of Stalingrad
 Battle of Stalluponen
 Battle of St Annaberg
 Battle of Stilo
 Battle of Stow
 Battle of St Quentin
 Battle of Tagliacozzo
 Battle of Tannenberg
 Battle of Tannenburg
 Battle of Tarnopol
 Battle of Texel
 Battle of Tobruk
 Battle of Torgau
 Battle of Trautenau
 Battle of Trier
 Battle of Tuttlingen
 Battle of Valmy
 Battle of Verdun
 Battle of Vionville
 Battle of Vistula River
 Battle of Vitoria
 Battle of Wadi Rezegh
 Battle of Waterloo
 Battle of Wattignies
 Battle of Wells
 Battle of Western Desert
 Battle of White Mountain
 Battle of Wilhelmstal
 Battle of Wittsock
 Battle of Worcester
 Battle of Worth
 Battle of Yser
 Battle of Zorndorf
 Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote
 Berlin Construction
 Berlin Declaration
 Berlin Defense Area
 Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
 Berlin Wall Construction
 Berlin Wall
 Black Front
 Black Holes
 Black Reichswehr
 Bolshevik Party
 Bombing of Augsburg
 Bombing of Axel Springer Verlag
 Bombing of Belgrade
 Bombing of Berlin
 Bombing of Britain
 Bombing of Canea
 Bombing of Coventry
 Bombing of Dresden
 Bombing of Firth of Forth
 Bombing of Frankfurt
 Bombing of Gelsenkirchen
 Bombing of Geurnica
 Bombing of Guernica
 Bombing of Hamburg
 Bombing of Heraklion
 Bombing of Karlsruhe
 Bombing of Leipzig
 Bombing of London
 Bombing of Malta
 Bombing of Munich
 Bombing of Paris
 Bombing of Peeneminde
 Bombing of Rotterdam
 Bombing of Scarborough
 Bombing of Southampton
 Bombing of Stalingrad
 Bombing of Stuttgart
 Bombing of Tripoli
 Bombing of USAREuropean UnionR HQ
 Bombing of Warsaw
 Bonn University
 Brown House
 Burning-Papal Bull
 Business Manager
 Capture of Aachen
 Capture of Abbeville
 Capture of Agedabia
 Capture of Albert
 Capture of Amiens
 Capture of Antwerp
 Capture of Apulia
 Capture of Athens
 Capture of Augustov
 Capture of Austria
 Capture of Bapaume
 Capture of Barak
 Capture of Bardia
 Capture of Bari
 Capture of Bavaria
 Capture of Bayeux
 Capture of Belgorod
 Capture of Belgrade
 Capture of Benghazi
 Capture of Berlin
 Capture of Bethlehem
 Capture of Bir Hachem
 Capture of Bohemia
 Capture of Bolton
 Capture of Boulogne
 Capture of Brandenburg
 Capture of Breda
 Capture of Brentford
 Capture of Bresica
 Capture of Breslau
 Capture of Brest-Litiovsk
 Capture of Brest Litovsk
 Capture of Brest-Litovsk
 Capture of Bristol
 Capture of Brussels
 Capture of Bucharest
 Capture of Burluk
 Capture of Cambrai
 Capture of Chalgrove Field
 Capture of Channel Islands
 Capture of Cherbourg
 Capture of Cirencester
 Capture of Clairfay
 Capture of Cologne
 Capture of Conde
 Capture of Constanta
 Capture of Cracow
 Capture of Crete
 Capture of Crimea
 Capture of Cyrenaica
 Capture of Danzig
 Capture of Demyansk
 Capture of Derna
 Capture of Dernia
 Capture of Dobrudja
 Capture of Dresden
 Capture of Duenaburg
 Capture of Dunkirk
 Capture of Dvinsk
 Capture of Falaise
 Capture of Frankfurt
 Capture of Gazala
 Capture of Germany
 Capture of Grodno
 Capture of Gurgueti
 Capture of Halfaya Pass
 Capture of Hanover
 Capture of Hesse-Kassel
 Capture of Holstein
 Capture of Jerusalem
 Capture of Jiaozhou Bay
 Capture of Jijila
 Capture of Jutland
 Capture of Kalinin
 Capture of Kerch
 Capture of Kharkov
 Capture of Kiev
 Capture of Konya
 Capture of Kovoo
 Capture of Kracow
 Capture of Landrecies
 Capture of Langres
 Capture of Leicester
 Capture of Le Mans
 Capture of Libau
 Capture of Lichfield
 Capture of Liege
 Capture of Liverpool
 Capture of Longwy
 Capture of Lorraine
 Capture of Lusatian Sorbs
 Capture of Lutsk
 Capture of Lvov
 Capture of Macin
 Capture of Mainz
 Capture of Mantua
 Capture of Marfaux
 Capture of Mechili
 Capture of Mecklenburg
 Capture of Memel
 Capture of Menfo
 Capture of Mersa Matruh
 Capture of Messina
 Capture of Meteren
 Capture of Metz
 Capture of Milan
 Capture of Minsk
 Capture of Moravia
 Capture of Mount Cosna
 Capture of Munich
 Capture of Naples
 Capture of Nassau
 Capture of Nazareth
 Capture of Newark
 Capture of Novocherkasak
 Capture of Olmutz
 Capture of Orleans
 Capture of Oslo
 Capture of Ostrava
 Capture of Paris
 Capture of Passau
 Capture of Peking
 Capture of Pilsen
 Capture of Pomerania
 Capture of Posen
 Capture of Prague
 Capture of Qingdao
 Capture of Ribemount
 Capture of Riga
 Capture of River Bug
 Capture of River Dneiper
 Capture of River Seine
 Capture of Romanul
 Capture of Rome
 Capture of Rostov
 Capture of Rotterdam
 Capture of Roznan
 Capture of Salerno
 Capture of Saxony
 Capture of Schleswig
 Capture of Schweidnitz
 Capture of Sebastopol
 Capture of Sedan
 Capture of Serbia
 Capture of Sicily
 Capture of Silesia
 Capture of Silistra
 Capture of Skoping
 Capture of Smolensk
 Capture of Sollum
 Capture of Split
 Capture of Tannenberg
 Capture of Temyruk
 Capture of Thorn
 Capture of Tientsin
 Capture of Tobruk
 Capture of Torzhok
 Capture of Tunis
 Capture of Turtukai
 Capture of Tuscany
 Capture of Ukraine
 Capture of Valenciennes
 Capture of Verdun
 Capture of Vichy
 Capture of Vilna
 Capture of Warsaw
 Catholic Bavarian People's Party
 Catholic Centre Party
 Catholic Department
 Centre Party
 Chamber of Cult
 Charlemagne Prize
 Chief Administrator
 Chief Admiralty
 Chief General Staff
 Chief High Command
 Chief Imperial Admiralty
 Chief Inspector
 Chief Medical Officer
 Chief Minister
 Chief Naval Staff
 Chief of Army Dept
 Chief of Army General Staff
 Chief of Army High Command
 Chief of Army Personnel
 Chief of Army Training
 Chief Operations
 Chief Operations Staff
 Chief Pioneer Corps
 Chief Police
 Chief Prussian Navy
 Chief Troop Office
 Christian Social Union
 Civil War
 Colonel General
 Commando Order
 Communist Correspondence Committees
 Communist International
 Communist League
 Communist Paper
 Communist Party
 Concentration Camps
 Condor Legion
 Conference of Algeciras
 Conference of Bamberg
 Conference of Berlin
 Conference of Cannes
 Conference of Daytona
 Conference of Disarmament
 Conference of Dresden
 Conference of European Union
 Conference of Fuhrer
 Conference of Genoa
 Conference of Hosbach
 Conference of Lausanne
 Conference of Locarno
 Conference of London
 Conference of Munich
 Conference of Paris
 Conference of Posen
 Conference of Quebec
 Conference of Spartacists
 Conference of Vienna
 Conference of Wansee
 Congress of Aland
 Congress of Berlin
 Congress of Vienna
 Council of Lyons
 Council of National Deputies
 Council of People's Commissioners
 Council of People's Representatives
 Council of Rome
 Council of Trent
 Council of War
 Council of Worms
 Coup d'Etat
 Courtai Offensive
 Court Martial
 Crossing-River Danube
 Crossing-River Dnieper
 Crossing-River Dvina
 Crossing-River Seine
 Daimler Motor
 Dash to the Wire
 Dawes Plan
 Dayton Accords
 Declaration of 95 Theses
 Declaration of Pillnitz
 Declaration of Rhineland Rep
 Declaration of War
 Demokratischer Aufbruch
 Denmark-Prussia War
 Department Chief
 Deputy Chancellor
 Deputy Commander
 Deputy Fuhrer
 Deputy Head of State
 Deputy Mayor
 Deputy Secretary of State
 Deutsche Arbeiter Partei
 Deutsche Arbeits Front
 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Soziologie
 Deutscher Kampfund
 Deutscher Schutz und Truzbund
 Deutsches Reich
 Discovery of Barkhausen Law
 Discovery of Cepheid Stars
 Discovery of Duodenal Ulcer
 Discovery of Electrons
 Discovery of Entropy
 Discovery of Eye Lens
 Discovery of Globular Clusters
 Discovery of M22
 Discovery of Ohm's Law
 Discovery of Parallax
 Discovery of Planetary Motion
 Discovery of Probability
 Discovery of Sugar
 Discovery of Sun
 Discovery of Sunspots
 Discovery of Vahsel Bay
 Discovery of Wien's Law
 Discovery of X-rays
 Divisional Commander-Kluge
 Eagle Day
 East Asia Squadron
 Ebert-Groener Pact
 Einstein-Szilard Letter
 Elder of the Jews
 Elite College
 Embassy Counselor
 Emigration Office
 Enabling Act
 Erfurt Parliament
 Erfurt Program
 Erfurt Union
 European Council of Germany
 European Union
 FA Cup
 Fall Gelb
 Federal Chairman-CDU
 Federal Republic
 Field Marshal
 Final Solution
 First General Staff Officer
 First Secretary
 Flensburg Government
 Footballer of the Year
 Foundation for Institutional Care
 Four Year Plan
 Frankfurt Arson
 Frankfurt Parliament
 Frankfurt University
 Free German Republic
 Fuehrer Begleit
 Fuehrer Chancellor
 Gagernsche Program
 General Commission
 General Order No 1
 General Staff
 German Autumn
 German Communist Party
 German Confederation
 German Democratic Republic
 German National Party
 German Pavilion
 German Workers Party
 Goethe Medal
 Gold Medal
 Grand Admiral
 Grand Master of Germany
 Greater German Empire
 Greater German Youth Movement
 Green Folder
 Grossdeutsche Jugendbewegung
 GSG 9
 Halley's Comet
 Head of Police
 Head of State
 Heeresgruppe Afrika
 High Commander
 High Seas Fleet
 Hindenburg Line
 Hindenburg Program
 Hitler's Doctor
 Hitler Youth
 Hubble's Law
 Hubble Space Telescope
 Imperial Council of War
 Imperial Reichstag
 Independent Social Democratic Party
 Informer Propagandist
 Inspector General
 Institute for Heredity
 International, 1st
 International Socialist Congress
 Invasion of Africa
 Invasion of Albania
 Invasion of Alsace
 Invasion of Austria
 Invasion of Bavaria
 Invasion of Belgium
 Invasion of Bohemia
 Invasion of Britain
 Invasion of Burgundy
 Invasion of Caucasus
 Invasion of Crete
 Invasion of Crimea
 Invasion of Croatia
 Invasion of Czech
 Invasion of Danzig
 Invasion of Denmark
 Invasion of Egypt
 Invasion of Empire
 Invasion of France
 Invasion of Germany
 Invasion of Gibraltar
 Invasion of Greece
 Invasion of Hanover
 Invasion of Hesse
 Invasion of Holland
 Invasion of Holstein
 Invasion of Hungary
 Invasion of Iraq
 Invasion of Ireland
 Invasion of Italy
 Invasion of Libya
 Invasion of Lombardy
 Invasion of Lorraine
 Invasion of Memel
 Invasion of Moravia
 Invasion of Normandy
 Invasion of Norway
 Invasion of Palatinate
 Invasion of Poland
 Invasion of Romania
 Invasion of Russia
 Invasion of Ruthenia
 Invasion of Saxony
 Invasion of Serbia
 Invasion of Sicily
 Invasion of Silesia
 Invasion of Slovakia
 Invasion of Stralsund
 Invasion of Sudetanland
 Invasion of Sudetenland
 Invasion of Switzerland
 Invasion of Western Front
 Invasion of West
 Invasion of Yugoslavia
 Invention of Atomic Bomb
 Invention of Automobile
 Invention of Bicycle
 Invention of Engine
 Invention of Flamethrowers
 Invention of Gas Engine
 Invention of Induction Coil
 Invention of Jet Aircraft
 Invention of Lithograph
 Invention of Messerschmitt-109
 Invention of Messerschmitt
 Invention of Projector
 Invention of Radar
 Invention of Richter Scale
 Invention of Tram
 Invention of V2 Rocket
 Invention of VI Rocket
 Invention of Zykon B
 Jameson Raid
 Jena Theatre
 Jewish Bank Accounts
 Jewish Emigration
 Jewish Office of Emmigration
 Jewish Welfare Organization
 Jugendbund der NSDAP
 July Crisis
 Jungsturm Adolf Hitler
 Jurisdiction Order
 Kaiser Wilhelm Institute
 Kiel Canal
 Knight of the Garter
 Kommune I
 Kosher Food
 Kruger Telegram
 Labour Front
 Labour Movement
 Land Operations
 Law of Planetary Motion
 League of Augsburg
 League of Cambrai
 League of Nations
 Leibstandarte SS
 Leo Baeck Institute
 Liberal Party
 Liberal Union
 Litvinov Protocol
 London School of Economics
 London Ultimatum
 Lutheran Church
 Maginot Line
 Manhattan Project
 Manstein Plan
 Maracker FreikorpsGermany
 Maracker Freikorps
 Martial Law
 Max Planck Institute
 May Laws
 Medical Officer
 Member of Parliament
 Military Attache
 Military Governor
 Military Head
 Milky Way
 Ministry of Marine
 Ministry of War
 Monoclonal Antibodies
 Movement 2 June
 Movement 2 June-Germany
 Munich Beer Hall Putsch
 National Assembly
 National Concentration
 National Congress of Councils
 National Liberal Party
 Nazi Party Day
 Nazi-Soviet Pact
 Neue Zeit
 Night and Fog Decree
 Night of Long Knives
 Nobel Prize
 Nordwind Offensive
 North German Confederation
 Nuclear Warfare
 Nuremberg War Trials
 Oberster Befehlshaber
 Oder-Neisse Line
 Office of Jewish Emigration
 Old Museum
 Olympia Honor Badge
 Olympic Gold Medal
 Opera House
 Operation Adler
 Operation Cobra
 Operation Eagle Attack
 Operation Fall Gelb
 Operation Fall Rot
 Operation Fall Weiss
 Operation Luttich
 Operation Marita
 Operation Operation Ltch
 Operation Otto
 Operation Overlord
 Operation Punishment
 Operation Reinhard
 Operation Sea Lion
 Operation Tannenbaum
 Operation Totalize
 Operation Tractable
 Operation Transport Exercise
 Operation Walkure
 Operation Weserbung
 Operation Yellow
 Order of Teutons
 Oxford University
 Palme d'Or
 Panzergruppe Afrika
 Papal Bull
 Papal Legate
 Party Fuhrer
 Party Leader
 Party Secretary
 Passive Resistance
 People's Court
 Peoples Court
 Peoples Party
 Policy of Fulfillment
 Political Agent
 Political Parties
 Political Worker's Circle
 Pour le Merite
 Pragmatic Sanction
 Press Decree
 Prime Minister
 Privy Councillor
 Progressive Party
 Protestant Assembly
 Prussian Contingent
 Prussian Military
 Public Expenditure
 Punctation of Olmtz
 Quadruple Alliance
 Quartermaster General
 Rear Admiral
 Red Army Faction
 Red Army
 Regional Party Chairman
 Regional Press Officer
 Reich Air Marshal
 Reich Central Security Office
 Reich Commissioner
 Reich Protector
 Reichstag Fire Decree
 Reichstag Fire
 Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden
 Reichswehreid Oath
 Reprisals Order
 Rhine Republic
 Roman Bath
 Roman Catholic Church
 Royal Society
 Royal Standard
 Rubber Lion
 Rudolphine Tables
 Rule of Alsace
 Rule of Alsace-Lorraine
 Rule of Austrasia
 Rule of Austria
 Rule of Bavaria
 Rule of Bethlehem
 Rule of Bohemia
 Rule of Burgundy
 Rule of Cameroons
 Rule of Caprivi Strip
 Rule of Carolines
 Rule of Chad
 Rule of Crete
 Rule of Croatia
 Rule of Czech
 Rule of Czechoslovakia
 Rule of Danzig
 Rule of East Mark
 Rule of Empire
 Rule of Finland
 Rule of Fort Lamy
 Rule of Franconia
 Rule of Frankfurt
 Rule of Friedland
 Rule of Gdansk
 Rule of German South West Africa
 Rule of German West Africa
 Rule of Germany
 Rule of Glatz
 Rule of Greece
 Rule of Hanover
 Rule of Heligoland
 Rule of Hesse
 Rule of Holstein
 Rule of Hungary
 Rule of Italy
 Rule of Jerusalem
 Rule of Judea
 Rule of Kiautschou
 Rule of Klodzko
 Rule of Lombardy
 Rule of Lorraine
 Rule of Lotharingia
 Rule of Lusatia
 Rule of Madagascar
 Rule of Mark
 Rule of Mecklenburg
 Rule of Meissen
 Rule of Memel
 Rule of Moravia
 Rule of Nassau
 Rule of Nazareth
 Rule of Neukamerun
 Rule of New Guinea
 Rule of Nigeria
 Rule of Pfalz
 Rule of Poland
 Rule of Polish Corridor
 Rule of Pomerania
 Rule of Provence
 Rule of Prussia
 Rule of Rhineland
 Rule of Riga
 Rule of Ruhr
 Rule of Saarland
 Rule of Samoa
 Rule of Schleswig
 Rule of Schleswig-Holstein
 Rule of Serbia
 Rule of Sicily
 Rule of Silesia
 Rule of Slovakia
 Rule of St Peter
 Rule of Straits
 Rule of Sudetenland
 Rule of Teschen
 Rule of Thorn
 Rule of Tsingtao
 Rule of Ukraine
 Rule of Yugoslavia
 Rule of Zanzibar
 Ruling Council of Germany
 Schlieffen Plan
 Schwarzschild Metric
 Schwarzschild Radius
 Second Lieutenant
 Section Leader
 Siege of Aachen
 Siege of Abingdon
 Siege of Agedabia
 Siege of Amiens
 Siege of Antwerp
 Siege of Augsburg
 Siege of Avranches
 Siege of Baghdad
 Siege of Belgrade
 Siege of Berlin
 Siege of Bingham
 Siege of Birmingham
 Siege of Bohemia
 Siege of Bolton
 Siege of Brentford
 Siege of Bristol
 Siege of Brussels
 Siege of Bryansk
 Siege of Budapest
 Siege of Caen
 Siege of Cambrai
 Siege of Caucasus
 Siege of Caumont
 Siege of Charleville
 Siege of Cherbourg
 Siege of Cirencester
 Siege of Crema
 Siege of Danzig
 Siege of Dieppe
 Siege of Donetz
 Siege of Don
 Siege of Dvinsk
 Siege of Dybbol
 Siege of Falaise
 Siege of Farndon
 Siege of Genoa
 Siege of Gloggau
 Siege of Halle
 Siege of Hamburg
 Siege of Hanover
 Siege of Isonzo
 Siege of Jerusalem
 Siege of Kharkov
 Siege of Kiev
 Siege of Knaresborough
 Siege of La Bassee
 Siege of Leicester
 Siege of Leige
 Siege of Leipzig
 Siege of Leningrad
 Siege of Lichfield
 Siege of Liege
 Siege of Lille
 Siege of Liverpool
 Siege of London
 Siege of Luga
 Siege of Maikop
 Siege of Mersa Matruh
 Siege of Milan
 Siege of Minsk
 Siege of Monte Cassino
 Siege of Moscow
 Siege of Munich
 Siege of Nancy
 Siege of Newark
 Siege of Novog'ievsk
 Siege of Olmutz
 Siege of Oslo
 Siege of Padua
 Siege of Paris
 Siege of Peking
 Siege of Pilsen
 Siege of Prague
 Siege of Proletarskaya
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