Seismic Design Maps and Tools for Engineers

Here we present maps, data, and tools for engineers interested in seismic design of buildings and bridges. Currently we have two separate tools for buildings in the U.S. and its Territories, for (generally speaking) present and imminent model building codes, respectively:

  • A Java Ground Motion Parameter Calculator for, mainly, seismic design values from the 2009, 2006, 2003, and 2000 editions of the International Building and Residential Codes (and corresponding 2005, 2002, and 1998 ASCE-7 Standard) - i.e., for present model building codes (in most jurisdictions).
  • A U.S. Seismic “DesignMaps” Web Application for, currently, seismic design values from the 2009 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions and 2010 ASCE-7 Standard, which will be identical to those in the 2012 International Building Code - i.e., for imminent model building codes.

We also have a third separate tool for buildings outside of the U.S. and its Territories:

  • A Worldwide Seismic “DesignMaps” Web Application for seismic design values needed in using the International Building Code (§1613) and similar standards (e.g., the ASCE-7 Standard and the U.S. Department of Defense Unified Facilities Criteria) in other countries.

For bridges we have a fourth separate tool:

The maps and data corresponding to these four tools are also provided via the links above.

Important Note: While seismic design maps are based on corresponding hazard maps (e.g., the USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps), their values typically differ from hazard values. Thus, engineers interested in seismic design of structures should generally use the maps, data, and tools presented here rather than values presented elsewhere on the USGS web site.