Grades One Through Six

Accelerated courses
Accelerated courses, also known as 'advanced placement,' 'honors,' or 'gifted and talented' programs, are designed to meet the needs of intellectually gifted students.
Anti-drug education
Sometime during grade school, your child is likely to encounter anti-drug education. These programs typically occur in the later grades, though this varies according to what size town you live in, and your school's particular policy.
Attention Deficit Disorder and school
Attention deficit disorder, or ADD, is a neurological condition that affects behavior and learning abilities. In the early years, it may manifest itself as an inability to set still.
Bullies at school
Unfortunately, every class usually has a bully or two. The boys are more likely to hit or get into fights. With girls, aggression tends to take the form of saying mean things, or excluding others.
Co-ed sports
Years ago, when physical education was first introduced, girls and boys were always separated into different groups. Today, most sports and activities are co-ed, up to a certain grade.
Gifted children
When a child scores in the top two to five percent on national tests such as IQ or achievement tests, they're considered to be academically gifted. Gifts may also come in other forms, like an exceptional talent for art or music.
Moving ahead
When children are capable of working at much higher levels than their current grade, it may be suggested that they skip a grade. Usually, this is presented as a solution only when the school doesn't have special programs for advanced or gifted students.
School supplies
Depending on their budget, some schools may provide more supplies for their students than others. But even so, there are certain items the children will almost always have to bring themselves.
Special needs
It's estimated that up to 50 percent of children have some sort of learning disability. Their special educational needs should be addressed as soon as possible.
Staying back a grade
There is much debate over the value of having children repeat a grade, when they haven't progressed as far as their peers. Years ago, schools tended to pass children along.
If a child's having trouble in a particular subject, tutoring can often be a good solution. But before you take any action, you should find out why your child is failing.

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