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Personal Injury Guide

Automobile Accidents & Motorcycle Accidents
If you're involved in an automobile or motorcycle accident, immediately inform your insurance company, who will let you know what paperwork is required.
General Personal Injury Law
In an accident liability case, the party filing the complaint may be found to have contributed to the accident, or in other words, bear some proportion of the fault.
Lawsuits can often be complicated and may take years to reach completion.
Product Liability
'Product liability' is the term used for the responsibility of all parties involved in bringing a product to the marketplace for any damage caused by that product.
Selecting an Attorney
It's important to choose the right attorney to represent you in a personal injury lawsuit, and it's to your advantage to find one with experience in your specific type of personal injury claim.
Slip & Fall
Slip and fall accidents can range from the superficial to the very serious.
Types of Accidents
Learn about common accidents and the liabilities associated with each one.
Types of Injuries
Learn about the most common injuries and the legal rights an indidual has if they sustain an injury.
Wrongful Death
If a person dies as a result of another person's negligence, the immediate family can file suit for wrongful death.

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