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Bankruptcy Guide

Bankruptcy In General
If financial hardship leaves you unable to repay your debts, filing bankruptcy is one way you can attempt to regain your financial strength.
Chapter 11: Reorganization
Chapter Eleven is designed to help a business recover from financial distress.
Chapter 12: Family Farm
Chapter Twelve and Chapter Thirteen of the bankruptcy code are both debt repayment plans, but there are several differences between Chapter Twelve and Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter 13: Debt Consolidation
Filing bankruptcy, especially a Chapter 13 plan, can involve rules and procedures complex enough to require legal assistance from an attorney.
Chapter 7: Liquidation
Chapter Seven bankruptcy has many advantages that you should consider if you're in financial distress.
Of Interest to Debtors
A cosigner is a person who signs his or her name to someone else's loan agreement or credit application. The cosigner agrees to pay the debt in full if the primary signer defaults on the loan.
Preventing Bankruptcy
If you've gotten yourself into financial difficulty, you may think that bankruptcy is your only option. That's not true.

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