Skin Care & Vein Guide

About acne
Acne is a skin condition in which the pores become clogged and inflamed, causing various types of blemishes on the face, neck, chest, or back. A number of factors contribute to acne, including problems with the shedding of dead skin cells, excess oil production, and multiplication of bacteria that normally exist in the skin.
About psoriasis
Psoriasis (suh-RYE-uh-sihs) is a group of skin disorders that may vary widely in symptoms, severity, and location. The condition results when skin cells reproduce much faster than they can be shed, leading to an excess buildup of dead skin.
Acne treatment
Typically, acne treatment is aimed at correcting the factors which contribute to the condition: excess oil, or sebum, (SEE-buhm) production; the improper shedding of skin cells; and the multiplication of bacteria inside the pores.
Causes of psoriasis
The symptoms of psoriasis (suh-RYE-uh-sihs), like scaling, itching, and redness, are due mainly to the over-production of cells in the skin's outer layer.
Cleansing your skin
Proper cleansing can help skin look its best, but you don't need to go overboard. For most people, washing the face twice a day with mild soap and water is sufficient.
Eczema (atopic deramtitus)
Eczema (EHK-zih-muh) is a general term for several types of skin inflammations. The most severe form of eczema is called atopic dermatitis (ay-TAWP-ihk dehr-muh-TYE-tihs), or AD (A-D).
Effects of sunlight on your skin
The sun can have a number of adverse effects on the skin, and the lighter your skin, the more severe these effects are likely to be. Both the UVA (U-V-A) and UVB (U-V-B) portions of sunlight contribute to photoaging, or premature aging caused by UV (U-V) light.
Electrolysis and waxing
Electrolysis (ee-lehk-TRAWL-oh-sihs) and waxing are two methods of epilation (ep-ih-LAY- shun), or removal of hair below the skin's surface. So far, electrolysis is the only hair removal procedure that's considered permanent by the FDA (F-D-A).
Exfoliation (eks-foal-ee-AY-shun) is the process of removing superficial layers in the outermost skin layer called the epidermis (ep-ih-DERM-ihs). Just below the epidermis is a layer of cells that divide and move upward to replace those which have died.
Herpes facts
Herpes is a disease caused by the herpes simplex virus, or HSV (H-S-V). The virus is usually transmitted by direct contact with an infected individual, including kissing, oral sex, and sexual intercourse, or other situations in which viruses from the infection site contact broken skin or a mucous membrane like the mouth.
Lowering your risk of herpes
Preventing the spread of herpes is a challenging task because so far, there's no vaccine against it and no cure for those already infected. Oral herpes in particular is difficult to control since casual contact like kissing, sharing towels or cups, or secretions from a cough can transmit the virus.
Pityriasis rosea
Pityriasis rosea (Piht-ih-RYE-ah-sihs Ro-ZEE-uh) is a harmless rash of unknown origin that typically affects those between age 10 and 35, though it may occur at any age.
Protecting your skin
By limiting your time in the sun, avoiding tanning beds, wearing sunglasses, and taking other protective measures, you can reduce your risk of premature aging and skin cancer.
Seborrheic dermatitus
Seborrheic dermatitis (sehb-oh-REE-ihk der-muh-TIGH-tihs) is a skin inflammation marked by red, oily, flaking skin, especially on the scalp. Other areas commonly affected are the eyebrows, eyelids, sides of the nose, the mid-chest, and the skin behind the ears.
Skin care treatments
Today, there are many options to address conditions like acne, wrinkles, blotchy skin, and general signs of aging. Treatments range from products available at a drug store to procedures performed by a skin care professional.
Varicose vein overview
Varicose veins are swollen, bluish veins that bulge above the skin's surface. True varicose veins are also tortuous (TOHR-chew-uhs), meaning they wind in a snake-like pattern.
Vein LASER treatment
Lasers are devices that produce a highly-focused beam of light. They have numerous medical uses, including the treatment of dilated blood vessels and other vascular lesions.
What causes rosacea?
Though a number of explanations have been advanced regarding rosacea (rose-AY-shah), doctors still haven't found a single, definite cause. One common theory is that it's a disorder of the vascular system, in which the blood vessels swell in reaction to some trigger.
Wrinkles, smile lines, and crow's feet
Wrinkles are caused by damage from UV (U-V) radiation and a variety of changes in your skin that occur with age. Lines also tend to develop in areas where you have repeated expressions.

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