
Active nutrition
Good nutrition and regular exercise go hand in hand: a healthy diet gives you the energy you need to maintain an active lifestyle. As a general rule, athletes are advised to obtain 60 percent of calories from carbohydrates, 20 percent from protein, and 20 percent from fat, though your particular needs may be different.
Aerobic and anaerobic exercise
Physical exercise is a great way to tone your body and lose weight. There are two basic types of exercise: aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic exercise promotes cardiovascular fitness by raising your pulse to a targeted level.
Effects of exercise on sex
Just in case you needed further motivation to exercise, researchers have found that exercising on a regular basis can often improve your sex drive. This effect is thought to be a result of several factors.
Effects on energy, life longevity,and stress
Exercise and physical fitness provide numerous benefits for your mind and body. Though it may sound like a paradox, being active can actually give you more energy.
Fighting boredom
One way to fight boredom is with a regular workout. Exercise is good therapy for boredom because it produces mood-elevating brain chemicals, gives you a sense of physical control, and can make you look and feel better.
Target heart rate
When you exercise, it's important to work at an intensity level that's right for you. This is known as your target heart rate. The target heart rate is the range in which you can exercise safely, while receiving the maximum cardiovascular benefits.
Warming up and cooling down
Most exercise-related injuries have the same basic cause - the overstressing of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and other tissue. With sufficient precautions and care, risks can be minimized.
What about muscle tone and figure?
Resistance exercises like lifting free weights and working out on weight machines can improve muscle tone, and add definition to your figure. Weight-training is a good companion to aerobic activities like walking or biking, which burn calories and promote cardiovascular fitness.
Which exercise is best for you?
Exercise is a great way to look and feel better, but if you're over 35 or have a history of medical problems, it's important to see a doctor first. Most doctors will perform a medical or fitness evaluation to assess your current health.

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