Dental Care

Chewing gum
Chewing gum has been popular as an oral hygiene tool in many lands since very early times. The first commercial chewing gum, made of the gum-like resin that formed on spruce trees when they were cut, was sold in the United States in the early 1800's.
Choosing a dentist
Choosing the right dentist for you and your family is an important step in your oral health care. Communication is an important factor. You should feel comfortable talking to your dentist about your concerns, and your questions should be answered thoroughly and in terms that you understand.
Controlling plaque
Plaque, the sticky film of material that grows on and around your teeth, is the primary cause of tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss in adults. Many of the foods you eat cause the bacteria in your mouth to produce acids which then cause plaque to build up on your teeth.
Dental floss
Using dental floss is a very important part of your daily oral hygiene regimen along with brushing your teeth at least twice a day and eating a well balanced diet.
Dental rinses
Dental rinses can help fight plaque, gingivitis, and bad breath when combined with daily brushing and flossing. Ask your dentist to recommend a rinse based upon your dental history.
Drill-less dentistry/air abrasion
The only way to treat tooth decay is to cut away the decaying portion of the tooth. Hand dental drills have been used since the 1700's; the current high-speed versions have been used since the early 1960's.
Emergency first aid
Dental emergencies can be confusing if you're not prepared. There are some simple steps you can take in the event that first aid is needed. The American Dental Association, or the ADA, (A-D-A) offers advice for common emergencies; however you'll need to contact a dentist immediately in all situations.
Fluoridated water
Fluoride is a compound of the chemical element fluorine (FLOOR-een) that's found in water, soil, air, and most foods. Fluoride is easily absorbed into your tooth enamel, making adult teeth more resistant to tooth decay.
Halitosis/bad breath
Halitosis (hahl-ih-TOE-sihs), or 'bad breath,' can be caused by tooth decay, gum disease, dry mouth, sinus or respiratory infections, medical disorders, medications, or poor oral hygiene habits.
Home dental care
Combined with regular visits to your dentist, your home dental care regimen is the most important aspect of protecting your teeth and gums from plaque, gum disease, and other oral health problems.
How and why to floss
Dental floss helps to remove the harmful germs that attack your teeth and gums when plaque builds up, polishes your tooth surfaces, and controls bad breath.
Munching or snacking in-between meals is a habit and temptation that's hard to resist. What you choose to snack on can play an important role in your oral health.
Nutrition plays an important role in both your general and oral health. Without a balanced diet, you're more likely to suffer from tooth decay and gum disease.
Prevention of tooth decay
The prevention of tooth decay is the most important goal of your daily oral hygiene routine. Many of the foods you eat cause the bacteria in your mouth to produce acids, which, in turn, cause a plaque buildup on your teeth.
Preventive checkups and cleanings
Visiting your dentist on a regular basis is essential to your oral health and the prevention of tooth loss. Everyone's dental needs are unique, however preventive checkups and professional cleanings should occur at least once every six months.
Proper brushing
Proper brushing habits are essential in preventing tooth decay and keeping a clean, fresh mouth. Brushing your teeth after both meals and snacking helps to remove loose food particles and plaque.
Senior dental care
No matter what your age, good oral hygiene habits and regular visits to your dentist are important to both your oral and general health. Aging does not necessarily mean that you'll lose your teeth.
Tooth pain
Tooth pain is an aggravating condition that, depending on the cause, could require immediate attention by a dentist or medical doctor. There could be a variety of reasons for your pain.
Which toothbrush is right?
There are a variety of toothbrushes available, and it is often hard to decide which toothbrush is right. As everyone's dental condition is unique, ask your dentist to recommend which type to use.

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