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Facebook can cause relationship issues

Contributor: Beth Milograno
Last Update: 5/26 4:49 pm
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TULSA, OKL--- The internet is changing how people handle their relationships. Now more couples find themselves having "the Facebook talk" so that the social networking site doesn't change their relationship.

Professor, Bradley Brummel says "[The] truth is, there's no way of knowing the true intentions of a "friend" request. On the internet, it's easier to be tempted with friending old flings that could potentially damage any current relationships or marriages because of unclear messages that this "friend" request could cause. "

One Facebook friend has made an agreement with her husband to not add anyone they dated, even if it was twenty years ago. It's easy for friendly conversations to evolve into flirting with emoticons. Facebook gets rid of that face to face confrontation, so people are more likely to say things they would not say in person.

These conversations with former flings could lead to jealousy and other problems. Marriages are important and need to be protected from any temptation. When you break up with someone, it's probably better to disconnect from them.

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