The logotype of city of Stockholm, Saint EricCity of Stockholm


General information about City of Stockholm

The City of Stockholm has been awarded the title of European Green Capital 2010 by the EU Commission. This prize is due to everyone who lives and works in the city. It is we together who are putting Stockholm on its way towards achieving the vision of a world-class city and thus reinforcing our position as The Capital of Scandinavia.

The City would therefore like to share this prize with all of the companies and organisations that want, by means of clearly stated environmental ambitions and active environmental work, to help in the task of developing the city and putting forward good examples. The following three opportunities are available for companies and organisations to use the award in their communication and to gain access to the region’s brand, Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia and the Green Capital logotype:

  • Sign up to the Climate Pact
  • Receive study visits
  • Contribute towards the Green Capital calendar

Sign up to the Climate Pact

The Climate Pact is the primary network for the Green Capital year. When your company signs up to the Climate Pact, it aligns itself with the City’s climate targets, as well as to other targets that are defined in the City’s environmental programme.

Companies that are part of the Climate Pact are allowed to use the region’s brand, Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia, and the Green Capital logotype, and also have access to other benefits that the network brings with it.

The Climate Pact – how your company can sign up (In Swedish)

Receive study visits

The City receives several enquiries about hosting study visits, and companies and organisations can register their interest in also hosting these. You do this by filling in the application form, in which you describe how your company/organisation contributes towards making Stockholm a Green Capital and how you want to be involved in telling others about this. You must thus commit to being available to Swedish and foreign study visits. This can be arranged either through contacts with the City of Stockholm or directly between the visitor and you, without the City’s involvement.

Once approved by the City of Stockholm, your company/organisation will be allowed to use the Green Capital logotype and will be listed at the Stockholm Green Capital site with contact details, a brief business profile and a brief explanation of how you contribute towards making Stockholm a Green Capital. This listing remains valid for the whole of 2010.

Registration of interest in receiving study visits (In Swedish)

Contribute towards the Green Capital calendar

The Green Capital Calendar will consist of a number of events organised by both the City of Stockholm and external companies and organisations, both in Stockholm and in other places where information is provided about environmental work in the city. The calendar will be published on the City’s website during 2010.

Companies and organisations can contribute towards filling the calendar with relevant activities. To be included in the calendar, the activity must have a clear association with sustainable development and contribute towards reinforcing the image of Stockholm as a Green Capital. Register your activity by filling in the form, in which you describe your activity and at whom it is aimed.

Once approved by the City of Stockholm, your company/organisation will be allowed to use the Green Capital logotype and the activity will be listed in the calendar atöhuvudstad-2010 throughout 2010.

Register activity for the calendar (In Swedish)

Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia

Stockholm – The Capital of Scandinavia is the joint brand for the Stockholm region. This brand is used by everyone who wishes to contribute towards the development of Stockholm as a place to do business and to visit. Your company can do this too. The more of us there are communicating the message, the greater the impact it will have.

Bear in mind that Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia and your sender logo must be differentiated. It must be clear that it is your company/organisation that is the sender.

Read more about the brand and how you can use it (Stockholm Business Region, In Swedish)

Last updated 14 December, 2009

Environmental facts about Stockholm at 22:09


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Air pollution levels