The logotype of city of Stockholm, Saint EricCity of Stockholm

Administrations and companies

General information about City of Stockholm

Day-to-day operations are carried out by the City’s various administrations and companies. These are headed by politically appointed committees and boards whose composition reflects the distribution of seats on the City Council. Their members are appointed by the City Council.

Specialist administrations

Specialist committees deal with issues of interest to the City as a whole which have not been thought suitable for decentralisation. 

District councils

District councils are responsible for a large proportion of the City’s overall operation. In practically all matters relating to healthcare or other municipal services, you’ll be expected to get directly in touch with your district administration. Some districts also run their own citizens’ advice bureaux.

City Owned Companies

Some of the City’s activities are undertaken in the form of a corporate enterprise. Most companies are coordinated by Stockholms Stadshus AB, which acts as the group board.

Last updated 28 April, 2009

Environmental facts about Stockholm at 07:32


NW 5m/s
Air pollution levels